Thursday, 14th of March: Jean (Clive Myrie ft. Lisa)

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Clive: well, there you have it! Jean's birthday, coming straight up!

Thursday, 14th of March, 2024...

Jean sighed as she looked at the pile of paperwork on her desk. It was her birthday, but she had no time to celebrate. She was the acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, and her duty came first. She had to deal with the aftermath of the recent storm terror attack, the rising tensions with the Fatui, and the various requests and complaints from the citizens of Mondstadt.

She wished she could take a break and enjoy the day with her friends, especially Lisa. Lisa was the librarian of the Knights of Favonius, and also Jean's closest confidant and lover. They had been together for a few years, and Jean cherished every moment they spent with each other. Lisa always knew how to make Jean smile, how to comfort her when she was stressed, and how to tease her when she was too serious.

Jean wondered if Lisa had remembered her birthday. She knew Lisa was busy with her own work, and sometimes forgot important dates. Jean didn't mind, though. She loved Lisa for who she was, not for what she did. She hoped Lisa would at least find some time to visit her later, and maybe give her a hug and a kiss.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she heard a knock on the door. She quickly composed herself and said, "Come in."

The door opened, and Lisa walked in, holding a large cake in her hands. She smiled and said, "Happy birthday, my dear Jean."

Jean's eyes widened in surprise and delight. She stood up and walked towards Lisa, who placed the cake on a nearby table. Jean wrapped her arms around Lisa and said, "Lisa, you remembered. Thank you so much. This is the best gift ever."

Lisa hugged her back and said, "Of course I remembered, Jean. How could I forget the day you were born? You are the most precious thing in my life. I wanted to make this day special for you."

Jean kissed Lisa softly and said, "You are the one who makes every day special for me, Lisa. I love you so much."

Lisa kissed her back and said, "I love you too, Jean. Now, let's enjoy this cake. I made it myself, you know. It's your favorite flavor, apple cinnamon."

Jean smiled and said, "You made this? Lisa, you are amazing. It looks delicious."

Lisa winked and said, "Wait until you taste it. It's even better than it looks. Come on, let's cut a slice and share it."

They walked to the table and cut a slice of cake. Lisa fed Jean a bite and said, "Happy birthday, Jean. May all your wishes come true."

Jean savored the cake and said, "They already have, Lisa. They already have."

The end

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