Wednesday, 3rd of January: Scaramouche (Reeta Chakrabarti ft. Kaedehara Kazuha)

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Sophie's Note: Yes yes yes, Scaramouche known as Wanderer but Wattpad don't want to know about that anymore. this story is powered by ChatGPT and Reeta was in for Samantha Simmonds as of the time story was written.

Wednesday, 3rd of January, 2024, Belfast, NI...

Scaramouche, Kazuha and Reeta Chakrabarti were on a trip to Belfast for Scaramouche's birthday. They had met online through a mutual interest in video games and anime, and decided to surprise Scaramouche with a vacation. They had booked a cozy Airbnb near the city center, and planned to explore the sights and culture of Northern Ireland.

They arrived at the airport early in the morning, and were greeted by a cheerful driver who took them to their accommodation. They checked in and dropped their bags, eager to start their adventure. They decided to visit the Titanic Belfast, a museum that tells the story of the famous ship that sank in 1912. They learned about the history, design and construction of the Titanic, and saw replicas of the cabins, dining rooms and engine rooms. They also experienced a simulated ride through the shipyard, and a 3D exploration of the wreck site.

They enjoyed the museum so much that they spent almost four hours there. They then headed to the nearby SS Nomadic, the last remaining White Star Line vessel that ferried passengers to the Titanic. They boarded the ship and admired its elegant interior and exterior. They also took some photos and selfies with the ship as a backdrop.

They were feeling hungry after their visit, so they went to a nearby pub for lunch. They ordered some traditional Irish dishes, such as Irish stew, soda bread, colcannon and bangers and mash. They also tried some local beers, such as Guinness, Harp and Smithwick's. They chatted and laughed as they ate and drank, enjoying each other's company.

They then decided to go for a walk along the River Lagan, which runs through Belfast. They admired the views of the cityscape, the bridges and the boats. They also saw some street art and murals that depicted the history and culture of Belfast. They stopped at a park and sat on a bench, relaxing and talking.

They talked about their lives, their hobbies, their dreams and their fears. They shared their stories, their opinions, their jokes and their secrets. They felt a strong bond of friendship and trust among them. They also realized that they had more in common than they thought.

They then decided to go back to their Airbnb and get ready for dinner. They had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant that had good reviews online. They wanted to treat Scaramouche to a special meal for his birthday. They dressed up in their best clothes and took a taxi to the restaurant.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated at a table near the window. The restaurant had a romantic atmosphere, with dim lights, candles and soft music. The menu had a variety of dishes, from seafood to steak to pasta. They ordered some appetizers, main courses and desserts, as well as some wine.

They enjoyed their food and wine, as well as the service and ambiance. They complimented each other on their looks and outfits. They also exchanged some gifts that they had bought for Scaramouche. Kazuha gave him a necklace with a pendant that had his name engraved on it. Reeta gave him a watch that had his birth date inscribed on it.

Scaramouche was touched by their gestures and thanked them sincerely. He said that he was very happy to have them as his friends, and that this was the best birthday he ever had. He also said that he hoped they would stay friends forever, no matter what.

They finished their dinner and asked for the bill. The waiter came back with a cake that had candles on it. He said that it was from Sophie Raworth, Scaramouche's online friend who worked at the BBC. She had sent him an email earlier that day, saying that she was sorry she couldn't join them on their trip, but she wanted to wish him a happy birthday anyway.

She had also arranged for the cake to be delivered to the restaurant, along with a card that had her phone number on it. She said that she hoped he would call her when he got back home, and that she wanted to get to know him better.

Scaramouche was speechless when he saw the cake and card. He couldn't believe that Sophie Raworth had done this for him. He felt a surge of joy and excitement in his chest. He looked at Kazuha and Reeta, who smiled and winked at him.

They sang happy birthday to him, and he blew out the candles. He cut the cake and shared it with them. He also read the card aloud, and thanked Sophie Raworth for her gift. Also, Kazuha kiss him on his forehead and Reeta just giggles for their fond cuteness.

Reeta: Happy birthday, Scaramouche!

Scaramouche: Thank you, Reeta. You're very kind.

Kazuha: Yes, thank you for taking us to Belfast. It's a beautiful city

Reeta: You're welcome, guys. I'm glad you like it. It's my pleasure to show you around.

Scaramouche: How is Sophie doing? Is she still busy with work?

Reeta: She's fine, don't worry. She just had a lot of deadlines and interviews to do. She sends her love and best wishes to you.

Kazuha: She's very dedicated to her job, isn't she? She must be a great journalist.

Reeta: She is, indeed. She's one of the best in the BBC. As her colleague, I'm very proud of her.

Scaramouche: I wish she could be here with us. I miss her a lot.

Reeta: I know, me too. But she'll be back soon, I promise. And then we can all celebrate together.

Kazuha: That sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see her again.

Reeta: Me neither. But for now, let's enjoy this trip and have some fun. There's so much to see and do in Belfast.

Scaramouche: You're right, Reeta. Let's make the most of this day. It's my birthday, after all.

Kazuha: Happy birthday, Scaramouche! We love you!

Reeta: Happy birthday, Scaramouche! We love you!

He then called her number on his phone, hoping she would answer.

Birthday Book: A Special Story In Their BirthdaysWhere stories live. Discover now