Monday, the 24th of July: Shikanoin Heizou (Sophie Raworth ft. Mika)

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Monday, the 24th of July, 2023, BBC Broadcasting House, London...

Heizou and Mika is in their room in Broadcasting House in the morning. Revealing that they have some fun throughout afternoon. Today's BBC News at 6 PM will be Presented by Fiona Bruce as always on Monday. Sophie is already free, So she will join them to the dinner tonight.

Sophie: Heizou? Mika?

No response...

Sophie: Hello? are you guys there?

with Master Card (act same as Master Key which will unlock every room with that card, only Chief will hold this card to get into their room.) in Sophie's hand, she tapped the card and get into their room. Everything looks fine, except for...Their clothes on the floor, which confirm they taken their clothes off last night, A box of Durex Condom, which she know they have fun throughout last night (WHAT!?!?!?!?!?) and Their bedroom, they probably didn't lock the room, Sophie can easily, but quietly open the door. Sophie saw Mika leaning onto Heizou's Chest without their clothes wearing, sleeping peacefully...

Sophie: tsk tsk tsk tsk... *sigh happily and giggles* quite rocking wild on your boyfriend there, Mika...

Sophie write the letter to let them know that Sophie have a birthday appointment for them.

Mika, Heizou,

Meet me tonight at Bacchanalia in Mount Street. I've sent you the location in your phone.


when they wake up, Sophie was already out to Bacchanalia. Heizou is up first before Mika is up.

Heizou: Mika...?

Mika: ugh...H-heizou...? What just happened...?

Heizou: that was...wild, Mika...

Mika: -///-

Heizou and Mika do a kiss and put the underwear on as preparing to dress up. Heizou saw a note Sophie wrote.

Heizou: Meet me tonight at Bacchanalia in Mount Street...

Mika: what is it, Heizou?

Heizou: Sophie said she want to meet us tonight at Bacchanalia in Mount Street.

Mika: Bacchanalia...?

Heizou: It's the restaurant not far away from here. Let's get ourselves dressed up like a date between us tonight.

Heizou and Mika are now getting dressed up. Heizou wear a white t-shirt and black coat with brown tie while Mika wear see-through top with coat and wear blue bow with gold feather brooch on his coat.

How about Sophie? She dressed the stunning blue Mulberry dress with necklace on her. She is now waiting for Heizou and Mika at the restaurant. Heizou use his phone: OnePlus Nord CE3 Lite to see the location. The Limousine: BMW i4 just already there to pick them up.

A very later...

They're arrived at Bacchanalia in Mount Street. Inside the restaurant, Sophie is at the seat, waiting for Them to get in.

Mika: S-sophie...!

Heizou: Sophie...?

Well, needless to say, they walk into the restaurant and straight forward to the table which Sophie sitting.

Sophie: Oh. Mika, Heizou!

Heizou: Good evening, Sophie.

Mika: Good evening, Sophie!

Sophie: Good evening, Guys. Now let's have a dinner, shall we?

Heizou: Oh, Okay.

Sophie, Heizou and Mika start to order some food before special surprise are around them. Sometimes later, Sophie send a signal to waiter for a special surprise. The whole restaurant lights out, and a birthday cake for Heizou is right on the table.

Heizou: Oh!

Mika/Sophie: Happy birthday Heizou!

Heizou blow candles and wish himself to stay happy with his love ones: Mika. Sophie give a gift to him on behalf of Mika: a golden plume that he made, specially for him.

Mika: well, I made this plume all by myself...I hope you like it...

Heizou: aww, Mika... don't be depressed, I'm everything here for you!

Sophie: 😃 C'mon, the party is still on!

Then the party for Heizou is still on at this restaurant...

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