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I had perceived myself differently.. but I realize I am like you..struggling in this world of take and grab..of social reviews..of agendas and business.

They try to break you,you don't fit their agenda, then you're not welcome. I looked back at you and wondered. Of all your hopes and dreams..if you to dislike what this world has become. Your second self is looking at you, but I have found a secret. It is a sweet secret that I myself will never show.

You call then Lowly,the dark version of yourself. The one that hates you,but I receive unwilling and willing we are all of the Lowly status. Yet,you treat them with fire and ash,I see why, but not all is like this. The stress,the overwhelming they feed on it like it candy.

Your tears are like soda. The Lowly look upon you to see if you will turn. To welcome a new friend into the fray. They are not what they seem. They are sad,of raw intent of hopelessness. Sometime they need a guiding light to bring them back. Someone with sense and warm hugs.

I saw him today,the Nice Lowly..the outcast,The one and him are delicious at odds. I feel sorry for the old little young bird who tries to sing and fly with her honesty and kindness. I'm sorry little ones,I'm sorry,I hope in time you can forgive me,for I and he have stumbled into a mess of grief and anger. Will we ever get out,I hope,don't forget us...please we beg you.

Before we say our warmest goodbyes,please do a favor of ourselves.

Change,transform,don't let this world turn you dark..I was for a long time,I to had lost my way and fell into anger...keep going,keep moving,hold the ones you love high..hold your dreams high to.

Warmest regards - *

The warmest shadow followed Allie to her room. Then, to the bathing quarters as she closed the shower curtain. She was the only one in the shower room. The shadow was in the darkest corner of the room. She got dressed as he heard the shower turn cold. "Ugh,someone ran out of the hot water!" Shadow moved away to her scream."Hot!"Shadow held his mouth from laughing.

He tried his best not to freak her out.She went back to her dorm as Shadow slipped in.Locking her dorm,her gaze went to the moon. "Beautiful."Shadow smiled. Allie climbed into bed. She got comfortable falling into a deep sleep. Shadow conjured up a bunny plushie.

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