First Dsy of Class

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Ally awoke to her alarm going off in a magical sense. It popped up with sparkles coming out of its ears as it stuck it tongue out. Ally combed her long brown hair with Golden Hazel eyes. She smoothed out her outfit and jeans. Slipping them on, she put on her small star. She hid her smile in her normal expression. Nerves racking up her back in small shivers. Ally confidence snapped upon looking at herself in the mirror. Darkness appeared in her ear.' You're not worthy of this beautiful look or school... you haven't made any friends yet... they won't like you,'she thought. Ally shook her head. " No,today gonna be a good day," she smiled, then went out the white rim multicolor door. The door shut behind her. In the empty room in the mirror,a sinster presence appeared with glowing red eyes. They laughed manically before disappearing without a trace.
Lucas combined back his greased hair back into place. He got up to throw on his chain jeans and baggy shirt. Brushing his teeth,he spat into the crystal sink as he sipped water to spit once again. Wipping with a towel, he put it down and grabbed his notebook with his pen to get to class.

Ally was outside of her first class door. With a breath of air,she went into her first class with a smile. Ms.Mayweather waved"Welcome Ally!"she smiled."Class,this is Ally Moore. Please be kind and good to her, "they all yelled, welcome. Ms.Mayweather gestured for Ally to sit beside Stacy. Stacy waved as Ally smiled, waving back. A boy walked in. "Ah,Lucas Stone,welcome!"Lucas half waved.

He sat down by George as the teacher instructed him to.Class went by smoothly"Class,don't waste your time on low level minions,do your best to capture and contain Lowly Gang members,take the low levels out before the group up,be careful because their are people accidentally turned into servants,they usually don't act like themselves and have different colored eyes..there very good at hiding,try to cure or detain them if you don't have a purifier with you,let a school defender know,as for the minion they Respawn at the Lowly Base or any magic portal stone,do be aware,that concludes our lession on tieying them up and throwing them out a window,as for purifier we will work on that tommorrow,dismissed"Ally and Lucas walked out to there next class humming in song.

A dark presence jumped from one balcony to another in pursuit.His target was attending the class for a moment. But he had led these defenders, chasing him to a new point.The thrill of the hunt and very good distraction.He went up and over the roof, then slid down to the ground. His speed never faltering. He tore up Cresent and left his marks on the school to cause infection.

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