Oh no,we in trouble,we got this...sorta

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It was as if something in the world went off. The Lowly Gang started showing up more frequently then before. Which even lead the head defender at Embraced High to think maybe there security had been breached. As they planned,Fallon order his defender team to make haste and for a few others to watch Ally.

Unknown to them,Lucas saw what a few of the defenders were actually doing. But there was no safe way to tell Ally from where he looked. He just smiled but even Stacy could feel it. Ally knew it was all her fault. With baited breath she was left a note in her locker to meet at midnight in the showers.

Ally did as she was told and met in the showers. She turned on a shower to hear the thundering water. The toilets was always on the left under a sign of Celestial thrones and Gemstone showers to the right as a big lit up mirror was in the main area with tables and chairs to do makeup and blow dry hair.

Ally waited to see Lucinda and someone new show up in a hoodie. It was black and purple with what looked to be a uncovered assassin cloak. Lucinda hushed them"this is my friend,you will meet again soon but right now is not the right time..I know of the shadow that lurks after you..he is a friend and so is the female one...the big one is not your friend...the defender have tails on you..don't do anything suspicious,I and my friend will handle them...there something you should know...try not to drag your friends into this..the pretty one..and the easy to read guy..they will bring misfortune right now..they will still help you but I'm not liking their alignment right now,act normal"Lucinda said. The mysterious figure disappeared up the stairs leaving Lucinda and Ally alone.

Lucinda nudged her"follow my heed,and you will be ok...this school hold many secrets...but as payment promised,I wrote down the directions for you..left,right,then straight,third one down of three vents then left,you will need this"she gave her a magical screwdriver"do not get caught with this"Ally nodded"thank you" she gave her a fist bumped. Lucinda gave a lazy one. Lucinda spoke"get back to your dorm" Ally spoke"will do,thanks again"Lucinda waved bye. Ally walked back to her dorm and slipped in silently. She locked the door. Then slipped back into her pajamas to tuck into her bed.

Report Log:

The Lowly have been showing up more lately.They seem to be getting closer to our base.

Location: Limitless Sky City Park.

Carly was sitting on the stone fountain edge. Reading comments on how if this world was a zombie movie,she would be the last one to be saved. Or the first infected or left behind,the comments from close friends and fans left her hurting.

Transit showed up once again.

Transit spoke"Little one,don't you cry,let your sights fly high above the sky,up up they go then down below,listen and listen to me well,break yourself out of this spell,you should be glad to be the first infected,why,it mean your more powerful, I mean why would you want to be saved when you have a whole army at your place,leave you behind,ha,that funny,anyone who leaves behind such a queen is not worthy of praise,a mighty warrior never is among sheep,let them feel your teeth"he bowed.

Ramble showed up to stop Transit"Really,Bud,this has been the thirty second time you have shown your face,come on and give me a break,leave this queen alone,she beautiful and bright as morning light,queen let your shine come through not be darkened at this presence,you never needed to impress anybody,there jealous of you"he smiled offering a hand before he was knocked down by a even bigger Lowly.

Transit begins "Boss,wasn't happy last time when you locked up our precious friends,you monster,"Ramble spoke"Yeah,my boss isn't happy you keep feeding on poor souls but hey we all got our probelms" Carly went to help Ramble on the ground. She knowing karate,kicked the big guy away to help up Ramble. Ramble buddies showed up to see Carly helping me"yo,thanks for the help!"  they smiled. Transit and his buddy fled.

Randall went around searching for more Lowlies. He noticed something that sent him into a panic. One of his best friends Dawn was in a glass capsule,he took a picture then it was gone. Randall spoke"there capturing people now!"the situation in his head went from bad to worse. He stopped the truck then looked up to see a sight that froze him in his tracks.

Amy,Cam,Alaina tracked to the barely beeping locater.The truck had disappeared into thin air. They made a report of this to Headquarters. The commander looked at the missing poster of Randall and their truck. They checked security cams to see what had happened. Everything seemed normal on them.Which confused the defenders even more. The head leader nodded "it seems there getting smart or not holding back there intelligence,it means they have recruited more people" she thought and thought until it was time to rest.

Old defenders cycled out with new defenders to have a rest and relaxing stay. They retired to there beds early after having a shower and something to eat. They got in there beds unaware to any potential dangers.They slept soundly to the night thunderstorm. Not noticing a pair of eyes looking in on them.

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