You Should Give Up

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Location:Bellview Apartments,Limitless City

Surrender looked at the girl with compassion

S:Of course,you won't be a published novelist.. There are people better than you who know how to actually write and edit.

Slivera:Maybe.. I should

S:People are too busy to answer your question or even give you a reply back on any of your questions.

S.I say Cut Your Losses.

S:Your ideas aren't original... there always someone who could do better..what worse, they can so easily steal the idea.

Sliveria"You're right...

S: Of course I am... you should quit the not like they enjoy your stories... they have thousands or even millions of view..there not gonna notice a short fry like you go missing..

S: Darling, I hate to see you in such pain...tsk tsk...join us...we will give you from the harsh ship of the never have to worry or be alone again...

S: Your more beautiful then you realize,you are not one to be messed with...let them know..we will help so wrong they stole that happiness from you...there actions have consquences...all you need is alittle revenge.

S hold out his hand,Sliveria reaches for it, but Laura and Lena shoot his hand away.

They yell, "Surrender,this is the fifth time this week!"Surrender shrugged."What can I say,I'm good at my job. " Surrender split.

Lena chased after him as Laura checked on Sliveria. "I love your stories. they're so inspiring,don't give up."She gave Sliveria a hug.

Sliveria cried, "Im not good enough!"

Laura smiled. "You are the best,that why they're jealous. No one can write the way you do, I feel like I'm on another world when you write," Sliveria smiled.

Sliveria asked."Really?" Laura smiled."Of course,I'll stay if you need partner chasing down that Lowly..there trouble makers but I'll be waiting for your next book!" she gave Sliveria her pin she made from her book.

Fashion Dilemma-Location Upper District Limitless City

Joyce went through even one of her sketches.

Tram- Poor Soul,I feel your grief...stolen art... a sweet taste now bitter.

Tram-Poor You,I mean it so unfair those girls stole your fashion idea. Everyone blamed you and threw you out.You have every be angry..why follow come sense ,a cold dish is best served warm yes.

Joyce looked down. " This is was my passion,my career and now people don't trust me,how do I go on,I'm So ANGER!" Joyce went shaking.

Tram"Believe my darling,I know it's true,your most skilled talented one there,it not your fault,you trusted the wrong people,take my hand,come and make something new!

Tram"We have many waiting for you.. leave this pain behind,let give you a dime every time they committed a crime.

Tram"Come make design for the newest stars!

Tram offered both hands. Joyce looked to him. Cam shot a net at Tram.

Steven offered a hand to Joyce. "Get up Darling,your to much of an inspiration to be sitting on the floor... I think you should watch the news."

On the tv(Designers of Carlly and woods,two famous designers was caught sneaking a look at the competion,Designer Joyce was not to blame,record numbers of Fans for Carly and Wood have since been seen flocking to thier competitor Joyce)

Joyce was astonished.

Joyce smiled:Thank you!"

Cam gave her a hug.

Steven and Cam met up with Laura and Lena with their captive. They threw him in the back.

Lower District ,Limitless City

Transit - OH poor you,

Amber looked up. "Who are you?

Transit:A nobody like you,I was abandoned by my friends too. I still think you're pretty... Such a sad soul shouldn't be covered in muick...

He helped her up"You don't have to be alone,come be with me and my friends of outcast,of course they walk on more wild side..but it better then suffering in it not?

Amber nodded.

Carmen and Louie tackled Transit.

Carmen spoke, "Again, Transit,really?

Transit grinned. "Im surprised you caught me so fast

Transit sighed. "Oh well,"he was carried away.

Carmen grinned. "Would you like to be friends?"

Amber nodded. "Carmen!" Amber smiled"Im.amber it nice to meet how did you get in?

Carmen smiled. "I'll pay for the door,but girl, you need a lot of new friends.. I love your nails!"

Amber smiled. "Thanks,love your scarf!

Limitless City Small Apartment

Garret laid on his bed with red, swollen eyes.

Garret: I'm so small. Of course, they would give the position to that guy.

He looked in the mirror. "I don't eat enough,I still look bad.

Garret sat on his bed head between his hands.

Brisk looked on him:I think you look fine,you do look weathered.

Brisk looked at the countless sportsmanship magazines. Brisk said" Fake all of them,you deserved that position,I grant you a spot as the most famous sports star,come join.

Garret looked up. "You can't be real,"

Brisk took a sip of a glass. " I'm just the realistic side of things.

Collen came in and fought Brisk. Collen won. "This guy is trouble,kid. I think your a awsome upcoming star. You didn't get picked ,that ok,try again!"

Collen smiled. "Pass on kindness!"

Garrett nodded, then waved bye.

Steven,Carmen,Cam,Louie,Collen Laura, and Lena took their captives of Transit,Brisk,Tram back to Hq Inspire High.

They gave the villans cookies and milk and made them listen to happy music,which was torture to them.

Surrender watched on from his Hideout. The Big Boss would not be happy again. Surrender trembled at the thought of the big boss being unhappy.

Banks checked in on Ally,Lucas, and Stacy. When he got back from booking these new villainous guest. He retired to his quarters on the second level. Having yet to get his daily number in. He took a shower and then put on his pajamas, then went to his dorm. Locking it,he jumped into bed.

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