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i look at conor, he's already looking at me. his eyes look like their searching for something in mine.

"emme." he almost seems apologetic, i don't respond. "look, i've really enjoyed getting to know you and all but i don't know that pursuing something is the best thing right now." he starts "i don't mean- i just mean that i have a lot going on right now. a lot of my mind and i just don't know if this is the best thing to start right now." he tells me. he's looking for me to give some sort of agreement.

i nod, "yeah your right. i mean we've only known each other for like two days and we're both new to the city-" i stop myself from rambling.

"and about what happend on the bus earlier, im sorry. it looks wrong but that's my sister, madi." he explains

i look like a fucking idiot.

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry, i just i didn't know. my emotions got the best of me i just thought that since we like cuddled kinda on the bus and you held my hand- i don't know it was stupid."

"no it wasn't." is all he says. i look at him and he looks at me. his eyes move between my lips and eyes. he leans in, my hands go to the back of his head, his arms around my waist. he kisses me softly and delicate. his tongue slowly explores my mouth, i pull away.

"conor-" i start. he doesn't let me finish. he pulls me onto him, I'm straddling him. one hand on my hip the other cupping my face, suddenly there's a hurry. he kisses me like he's hungry, starved even. i let in. my stomach explodes and i already know how red my face is.

after a while i stop, i rest my head on his chest. his hand pets my hair. i look at my watch, its 1am.

"fuck" i say sitting up and fixing my hair

"what's wrong?" he questions me

"it's 1am- and we said we weren't going to do anything but we just made out. and-"

"woah woah, slow down" he says grabbing my hand. he can tell this is making me flustered and anxious "we're going to figure it out. but for now let's just go with the flow?" he asks.

"yeah, uhm i need to get back to my room Eleanor is probably worried." i say as i get up

"uhm emme?" he's laughing, why is he laughing

"what?" i say

"uh you might wanna pull up your camera" he tells me, he's rubbing his neck. i pull up snapchat and there's a hickey on my neck. i look up at him with daggers in my eyes

"your kidding me right? oh my god! conor!" i say half laughing half angry. we both start laughing.

"sorry em. uh we can whisk it?" he asks

"we're staying at a hotel conor! where are we going to find a whisk?" i laugh

"okay uh can you cover it up with makeup?"

"yeah but what about when Eleanor sees it?"

"just try to cover that side of your face." he says

we laugh as he walks me back down to my hotel room. i give him my phone number and he kisses my forehead and says goodnight.

i wake up and a reminder of my new friend is already waiting for me. we leave at 8am today, i only got 6 hours of sleep. i'm completely packed up and have my hickey covered up, I'm leaving my hotel room as i get a text from conor that reads sit with me on the bus? i smile to myself and reply of course. Eleanor already told me her and Kevin are sitting together. i'm really tired and you can tell i didn't sleep well. i kept waking up, my eye bags are prominent and i just feel gross.

i walk down to the bus and put my bags under it, grabbing my backpack for the actual bus. i have a little work to do, filling out injury reports and setting up for the season. i sit bedside conor again, this time giving him the window seat. i grab my laptop and start working, he is watching game footage from yesterday. we sit like this for four hours until i fall asleep whilst still working, hands on the keyboard and all.

i'm awoken to conor packing up my things around me. i look up confused.
"are we back in chicago?" i ask

"yes we are, and you need to go home and get some sleep" he says laughing

"right. okay, well thank you for packing up my things." i say while exiting the bus and grabbing my things. i put my things in my car and say goodbye to everyone.

crying because news just came out that conor bedard has a fractured jaw and therefore won't be playing for a while. SO SAD

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