
Making the unique hand sign for one of my jutsus, I send out a blast of chakra, "Sun Style: Sun Chain Jutsu!" I shouted before a chain made of light burst out of the palm of my hand wrapping around one of the trees, I pulled back on the chain, making the tree snap in half.

Attack after attack, I was beginning to get low on chakra, I lay down gazing at the beautiful colors of the sunset. The mascarade of oranges and yellows had a calming effect on my uneasy mind.

I've always felt closer to my family when I gazed at the sky, I don't know if it had to do with the clan's powers or if it was much deeper. To find peace in something so simple. For a moment, all the worries and stress I had were cast aside as I basked in the moment, feeling nostalgic and sentimental.

I closed my eyes relaxing in my calm surroundings. I felt my stomach grumble ruining the serene feeling, I reluctantly stood to my feet dusting off my clothes before taking one last glance at the fading sunset before heading on my way home.

**The next day**

The next day was full of unknowns, I'd never worked with kids before, and this was going to be interesting, to say the least.

When I arrived, two genin were sparring but I could not spot the masked ninja anywhere. I sighed rolling my eyes. Always late Kakashi. I thought to myself annoyed with him.

I had caught the attention of the two young ninjas. The pink-haired one ogled up at me like a fool, the other staring me down.

"You're Mika, right?" The girl's eyes were practically in the shape of stars. I nodded setting my sword down.

"You're not Kakashi-sensei."  The blonde piped in.

I laughed, "Do I look like some perv that reads porn in public?"

"I'm not reading porn, I'm simply just indulging myself in the world of fiction." Kakashi appeared behind me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "Then let your students read one of your books."

He chuckles softly putting a hand on his neck, "I don't think that's necessary."

"Mhm, that's what I thought."

Sakura giggled at the commentary and whispered something into Naruto's ear, "Are you guys dating or something?" Naruto asked abruptly.

I could feel my cheeks get warm as Kakashi and I both answered 'No' at the same time.

The topic was dropped and training started, was sitting up in a tree watching the two students practice their chakra control.

"So you're teaching genin now? That's quite unexpected of the great Copy Ninja."

"It's a pretty fun job, especially with Naruto, he'll keep you on your toes."

Just as I was about to respond a wave of chakra attacked the branch I was sitting on making me fall out of the tree. I groaned sitting up but realizing I landed ontop of another person.

"Mika-sensei is a pervert!" I looked up and Naruto was pointing at me and I looked down to the position I fell into. I had been stradling Kakashi, I rushed to stand up my cheeks flushed out of embarrassment.

Kakashi smirked as he dusted himself off, "looks like I'm not the only one anymore." I glared at him before slapping the back of his head.

"Hey Mika!" I turned around to see Asuma and Kurenai waving at me, looking for an excuse to get out of this awkward situation I excused myself and ran over.

"Hey guys whats up." Asuma was smirking at me.


"Oh you know what." he laughed and I waved it off trying to change the subject.

"I never thanked you for taking me home the other night." He looked at me confusedly.

"I never brought you home." He looked past me looking at Kakashi.

"You and Kakashi were the last ones in the bar when I left."

I turned around to face the white-haired man as he was watching the kids.

"So you and Kakashi huh?" Kurenai poked fun at me.

"Stop I barely know the guy. Plus I don't really.... date."

"Boooriiinnngggg. You guys would make an amazing couple. Two beautiful people makes a beautiful couple."

"I don't date, Kurenai."

"Well if you ever were to, he's your guy. I can feel it." I sighed saying my goodbyes and returning to the group.

Me? Date? Yeah right.

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