1. The Sweet One

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My heart raced as the door behind us closed. This was it. A secret fantasy that had lingered in my mind for years, and somehow I'd managed to get everyone together in one place. But now that we were here, suddenly my crazy idea was more daunting than ever before. Could I really go through with this?

"Okay! We're here!" I nearly yelled, only to then mentally slap myself. Not even one minute alone in the room with the guys, and I'd already made everything awkward.

This wasn't my kind of thing, I was never as bold and racy as Sarah and Natasha. I could easily picture either of them in the room with three men, but me?

One, single impulsive thought and suddenly my most secret sexual fantasy was out in the open. I didn't even have the courage to turn around and look at my friends.


Oh, my God, only hearing Liam's voice churned my insides. He had that effortlessly sexy way of talking that on a daily basis left me struggling to come back to my senses. Everyone always looked at Ethan first – hot, smart, successful, confident –, Liam went by unnoticed.

Well, for others. Not me. I never bought into Ethan's rugged looks. I much preferred Liam's secret tenderness. He may act nonchalant and rude, but he had the biggest heart.


"Yes!" Once again, I nearly screamed when he called my name, brushing my arm. "I'm fine." I grinned like a crazy person when I turned around, a smile so wide that he probably saw the dental bridge I got after my sister pushed me against a door and made me lose a tooth when I was 20.

"Are you ok?" Liam asked, his head tilted to the side, giving me that cute look he always had on when he acted like his truest sweet self.

I nodded and tried to steady my breathing. Liam always had a way of making me feel like no other person ever could without even trying. It just came natural to him. "I'm fine," I repeated softly, hoping he wouldn't hear the anxiety in my voice.

Liam eyed me carefully, and when he stepped closer, I felt my heart jump to my throat. I would never ever confess this, not even on my deathbed, but he was one of the main reasons I pitched this whole Sexy Secret Santa idea.

It was supposed to be one night, just one, where Liam was ... well, mine. I guess I should have been as bold as Natasha, writing his name, but I could have never done that.

Foursome was quite literally next on the list of my secret desires. I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone without making a fool of myself by outing feelings I had always known to be 100% unrequited, losing one of my best friends in the process.

Liam was in love with Sarah. Always had been. I knew, Nat knew, Caleb, Ethan, hell even Liam's and Sarah's exes ... we all knew. Sarah would have realized it much sooner, too, had she not been too busy gaslighting her own feelings for the older Carter brother.

I mean ... your best friend is in a bitchy mood the entire time you're dating his brother ... hmm, gee, I wonder what that could possibly mean!

"I'm really fine," I nodded again because Liam's gaze on me was too intense, and I felt like I could melt right then and there.

Everyone always talks about how beautiful it is when best friends become lovers, start a long-term relationship. Everyone blames the friend with feelings when the friendship is destroyed.

No one ever stops to wonder the kind of pain that hides behind your smile when you live every day with the incontrovertible knowledge that one of these days two of your best friends will fall into each other's arms, but one of them is quite literally the love of your life.

The Sweet One (The Kinky Christmas Series | Book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu