Mother Daughter reunion

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Y/n's pov

The only thought going through my head was ripping off hers. Then I took a closer look seeing claws and spotted skin, she had become a werejaguar which inferiated me more. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you." I said my eye turning silver I started running towards her but was stopped by to beserkers stepping Infront of me. I handle them without breaking a sweat. Twisting the first one arm until I heard it break then hurling it into the wall. The second one I punched continuously until its skull broke. It turned to dust as I continue walking to my mother she smiled. "Wow you're stronger than I thought." Scoffing I replied "Well I've changed since the last time you tried to kill me, you know since you are my mother won't use my claws." I said taking a ring dagger from my side.  I slashed the dagger through the air Infront of her, but she dodged. I kicked out sending her flying into the wall. When I got close enough she dug her claws into me. I double off in pain but rage erupted from me. I picked her up against the wall, choking her. "This is karma for everything you did to me and my dad." I said my dagger at her throat. "Y/n ... Don't do this... Please, I know you're mad but we don't kill people." Scott said as I looked back. I knew he was right. Lowering my dagger she spoke. "That's right you won't kill you mother. " With that I punched her in the face, knocking her out. My power drained and I could feel my wound again. Stiles ran over to me hugging me as the rest tied mother up. "It's ok I'm here, I'm here."Stiles tried to comfort me as I broke down in tears.

Stiles pov

My mind was reeling with questions and confusion but I just kept on hugging Y/n.  She needed me now and I'd always be there for her. The rest took Kate to the car placing her in the back seat. Ten minutes later we were ready to go home. Sitting in the car I looked over to y/n. "Hey remind me to never make you mad ... Cause that was pretty badass." Y/n chuckled and playful punched me. Looking back at her I smiled. She really was something else.

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