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Y/n's pov

I went downstairs seeing my dad sitting on the sofa. "Hi dad. What's up?" I said grabbing leftover sharwma. "We're going to Mexico pack light." He said walking over and stealing the sharwma out of my hand. I cursed under my breath. "Language."my dad replied sounding like Captain America. "Wait why are we going to Mexico?" I asked him while searching for something else to eat. "Cause I went to see Chris Argent last night and he told me about some temple."he explained. I scoffed hearing the name Argent but immediately dismissed it.

I went to my room and started to pack a backpack. Making sure to pack all the important things and also snuck a book in there. I heard a honk and ran out of my room. Standing in the living room was Scott, Lydia, Malia and Stiles. As soon as I saw Stiles my face lit up and I ran towards him, hugging him tight. I then proceeded to greet everyone else with a hug. Taking my bag from the counter, we all made our way to the car.

We left around six in the morning and it was currently four in the afternoon. I sat shotgun, reading my book. Everyone except Stiles asleep in the back seat. "We're on our way to find out who sent the beserkers to kill us and you're here calmly reading... How?" Stiles said with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh sue me." I returned the sarcasm. "It's calming." I added closing my book. We continue having a conversation. Seconds turned to minutes and then three hours later we arrived.

We travel through the caverns of the temple. The dusty pathways creeping me out. We came to a big open area with a big slab of stone in the middle. Four beserkers came out from every corner. We all stood ready to fight.
Until I heard laughing coming from right Infront of us. It sounded familiar but it wasn't possible my dad told me she was dead. Killed by Peter. I had to be wrong. They stepped out of the darkness and I knew who it was. "Mom" I said rage boiling inside of me.

Stiles pov

"Mom" I heard Y/n say venom dripping from her words. "KATE FRICKING ARGENT is your mother." I almost yelled. Everyone stared in disbelief. "Hi honey."Kate said with a smirk."Missed me."

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