26. Iroh and Sokka Saved

Start from the beginning

Her explanation left him speechless. How could someone be so beautiful on the outside and inside. Usually when someone back home was nice to him, it was because he was the Prince of the Fire Nation and they just didn't want to get on his bad side.

But here was his Saphire being nice to him and offering to help him find his uncle even though he's been tracking down her Gaang.

He fell for her more everyday.

"Come on let's go save your uncle." she said hopping back onto Appa's saddle and flying right beside the edge of the cliff that the trail was on.

~With Aang~

Aang was still riding on the back of Roku's dragon with Harmony next to him.

"Woah!" Aang said when he saw his real body sitting criss cross on a statue of a bear. He looked like he was meditating.

"Not again!" he groaned as Roku's dragon flew straight into the statue of the bear his body was sitting on.

But this time instead of going straight through the statue it's like they were absorbed into the statue and then Aang woke up.

Then he jumped down from the statue and Harmony shrunk back down and landed on his shoulder to rest from her happy and tiring day.

Aang stared up at the statue of the bear and it was like something dawned on him. He opened his glider and flew off to get back to the village.

~With Iroh~

Iroh was now kneeling in front of a rock where his hands were forced to stay in place.

"These dangerous hands must be crushed." one of the earth kingdom soldiers said before lifting up a large rock into the air right above Iroh's hands.

But before he could drop it onto Iroh's hands Zuko came out of no where and kicked the rock away. While he was doing that Luna who had taken some water from a few plants used it to freeze the chains that kept Iroh's hands together then used her water bending to make it break, separating his hands.

But Zuko did an axe kick pretending that it was him that broke the chains as to not alert them that there was someone else helping them.

"Excellent form Prince Zuko." Iroh praised his nephew and he would've complimented Luna too but she was hiding in the shadows not wanting to be seen as an enemy of the Earth Kingdom.

"You taught me well uncle." Zuko said as he and his uncle went back to back to fight the Earth Kingdom soldiers.

"Surrender yourselves. It's 5 against 2. You're clearly outnumbered." the Captain of the soldiers told them.

"Uh, that's true. But you're clearly outmatched." Iroh responded as he got into a proper fighting stance, ready for any attack that they threw at him.

2 soldiers send large boulding flying Iroh's way but Iroh used the long chains that were still connected to his wrists to break them before it hit him.

Zuko kicked and punched fire at two other soldiers and efficiently took them down in no time.

Luna who used her bending to try and sense if the soldiers had any water on them sensed that each of the soldiers carried a pouch full of water which is smart since they travel long distances but for right now it helps her more than them.

She used her bending to control where they went. When she saw that a soldier was getting ready to send a boulder flying at Zuko she knocked him down which then caused the soldier become unfocused and dropped the boulder which landed on his foot.

"Ahh!" he screamed in pain making Zuko turn around to see that the other soldier got ready to throw another boulder but this time his uncle caught it with his chains and spun around and around until he released the boulder back at the two soldiers knocking them out.

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