𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

72 3 14

Y/N is sat on her bed when someone knocks on the door. She got up and made her way over, opening it.

Stood in front of her was Masky and Hoodie.

"We're who will accompany you tonight," Hoodie spoke first, then Masky, "Put something warm on, it's below freezing tonight."

"We'll meet you outside," with that, Hoodie and Masky left your doorway and made their ways downstairs and out of sight.

Y/N swallowed and reached for her dresser. She pulled out a hoodie and pulled it over her head, putting it on.

Once she was out of her room, she locked her door and too made it downstairs and out the front.


You walk out into the frigid air and look up at the sky. You could see the stars, it was beautiful.

"Hurry up, kid." Masky's voice rang out.

"I'm not a kid."

"Holy shit your first full sentence since you got here!" He taunted.

"Shut up," you let out a sigh as you walk through the other two, pushing them too the side.

"Rude," Masky said under his breath.


The three of you had been walking for a good two hours now, not a word said since you left the mansion. So you took it too break the silence.

"How do we know we're out of the domain?" You put out the question, genuinely not knowing.

Hoodie was the first too respond, "you'll feel a shift in the air, you see." It wasn't the answer you were looking for but it was an answer none the less.

Y'all continued too drudge on.

"Look," you pointed too the sky. There was smoke coming from the forest, something small, like a campfire.

"Very good, it's right outside of the domain but still too close. Y/n, you brought your weapons right?" Hoodie looked on to you and you nod.

"Good, we have to get rid of them." You let out a breath. Your first kill. Well, one that wasn't powered by deception and fear. You all began too hastily make your way towards the site, making sure to stay quiet and out of sight.

You looked down at a couple, since now you were in a tree with Masky.

"Your turn, go." Masky nudged you.

"Hold on, im thinking." You spoke in annoyance and you struggled to regain your balance, "and don't push me dumbass."


You took in a deep breath. In, and out. You jumped from the tree, swinging from the branches and landing on the ground softly. Then you lunged forward.

You grabbed a knife in your left hand and a gun in the other. You raised your left arm and took hold of the male, holding the knife in the same hand in a threatening way. You raised the gun too the woman.

ℑ𝔪𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔰𝔢. (𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔶 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now