Glimpse Of Past

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"Mom....will she be beautiful like you?"

Peggy chuckled at his eight year old son's question, ruffling his hair she replied.

"Yes Nathaniel...she will be beautiful even more than me"

"No! You're the most beautiful girl" he replied making his mother smile.

"Come here let me treat your wounds" she said, the small boy gave her a cute nod and ran down the hallway to bring first aid.

Peggy sighed at his retreating figure, her heart pained looking at his son. He never complained about his pain, always suffered silently. She knew it was all her fault if she had enough guts to save him from his father he would've lived a life like other children his age. But being seven months pregnant was hard on her as the doctor advised her not to overwork as the pregnancy is very critical for her if something happens it might result with both dead.

When she got to know about her situation she made sure to keep her son away from her husband. She wanted to live, for her son and for the future of the baby, they're everything for her. No matter what after the birth of her child, she will leave her husband.

She made herself a promise.

She smiled as Nathaniel ran towards her with first aid. As she treated his wounds the main door opened.

Making her son tremble in fear.

Nathaniel sighed remembering her, care was something only she had for him. But now, it's a foreign feeling for him.

His parents never cared for him, his mother hated him and always used him as a easy way to remove her anger which she had for her abusive husband later, committing suicide to escape the house poverty and problems. His father was abusive always using his money in gambling or alcohol and later if there was nothing to do he would hit his wife and children.

Life was always hard for him, one moment he had to fight for his food and next fight for his loved one.

So he decided to stop caring, if life became hard then he would just deal with it and become selfish and choose himself. It made things easy.

But she came and made everything so much difficult. And he couldn't even blame her.

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw her leaving the cafe.

Throwing the cigarette away he followed her till they were away from the cafe.

He stopped and took a deep breath and called out her name.



Aria felt chills running down her spine when she heard the familiar deep voice making her heart drum loudly inside her chest.

Turning around her eyes met with his black orbs which took her breath every time just like today.

His face was swollen a little with bruises that needed to be treated but he still looked so beautiful to her.

They stared at each other forgetting their surrounding. She soon realised that she was checking him out, instantly looking away as blush formed on her face.

She pushed the strands of hair behind her ears, feeling nervous. She looked up at him only to find him staring back at her. Adorely.

Aria felt like time stopped as she stared at his black orbs, his eyes held so many emotions at the same time had many secrets.

Everything felt like a dream for Nathaniel, all of sudden he couldn't find the guts to talk to her. All he wanted was to stare at her beautiful eyes.

So beautiful. I could stare at her all day.

Staring at her eyes made him realise she is too good for him, it scared him that he might be toxic for her. He should leave her. Stop coming to her, it would make things easy.

But the thought of not seeing her made him feel uneasy, his chest pained at the thought of it. It felt like someone asked him to not breathe.

Stop overthinking.

Saying this to himself, he spoke.

"H-Hey.....I'm Nathaniel" he stuttered. His ears turned red due to embarassment.

Can't I just talk normally?

Aria smiled at him, giving him a small nod. Her heart was beating loudly. She bit her bottom lip nervously.'s a beautiful name. Just like him.

Nathaniel rubbed the back of his neck, feeling shy all of sudden.

"H-How are you....?" Stop stuttering!

Nathaniel looked up at her as she gave him a thumbs up indicating she's good.

He wet his dry lips, not knowing what to say more, her silence made him confused, it made all the things he wanted to say stuck inside him.

Am I that bad to talk?

There was so much awkwardness around them. They were too shy and nervous to talk, all they did was stare at each other.

Suddenly Nathaniel saw her using sign language.

"I don't know if you'll understand but I can't speak"

"You can't speak!?"Nathaniel didn't know what to say anymore. All he did was to stare at her with shock as she looked down, avoiding his face.

He felt relief. Not because she's mute, all this time he thought she avoided speaking to him because she wasn't interested. There were times where it felt like she was deliberately ignoring him and he hurt him cause he thought it was because she thought of him as some stupid guy who just liked her that's it. He used to think that maybe she smelled the cigarette or alcohol on his body, so from the next day made sure to come clean without any smell.

Aria looked up at him, biting her bottom lip. Her heart raised due to fear. Nathaniel looked blankly at her, making her throat dry. She could feel her eyes burn with tears and shame, she felt ashamed. All her life people made fun of her disability she used to ignore them because there weren't the one to be with her all her life. But at this moment she hated her everything. The guy she like will reject her just because she's mute. Life has made fun of her. Like always.

I'm Pathetic.


Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for the wait. My college started this week so I was busy with it.


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I'll publish next very soon.

Till then, bye.


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