I can't hold back for much longer.

Start from the beginning

"Hey pops!" Charlie turned his head, not even pausing the game, meaning this was probably the third time he had watched it. "I'm gonna be spending the night at Rosalie's." She said, her head popping through the door frame, then slipping behind it as she went upstairs to pack her bag. Charlie sat there for a second then hurriedly paused the game and went upstairs with her.

"You're sleeping over at the Cullen's house?" He repeated, his arms crossed over his chest, but he never crossed her bedroom's door.

"Yup." She replied, grabbing her largest shoulder bag and opening it on her bed. She threw in some silky pj's.

"Is-" He began, shifting uncomfortably against the dor frame. "Jasper will be there?" Oh, Margaret paused for a second, but tried to continue throwing things in her bag, as if nothing had gotten to her.

"Yeah, he's taking me there, and it is his house so, yeah pops he'll be there." Just as she walked past her window to her dresser, she caught a glimpse of him, resting against his car looking smug and laughing to himself. Of course, he was listening to everything, Maggie thought. She only had to grab some underwear and her makeup, but with her father there she'd rather grab her makeup first. She walked past him and went to the bathroom, packing a little pouch with her essentials.

"Maggs, you know that um-" He struggled for a brief moment, "you're a grown woman know, so um- your body-" Margaret could see the awkwardness in her father's eyes, and feel it all around her.

"DAD! Please, just no." She laughed rushing out of the bathroom, Charlie followed her still, his brows furrowed. Margaret pushed her makeup into her bag, her face pink with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay I'll dorp it." He exclaimed, his hands up in the air, a smile crawling up his lips. "Have fun," he kissed her forehead, but just as he walked out of her room he added, "but not too much fun okay?" Maggie broke out laughing.

"POPS!" From her room she could hear his chuckles. It was nice, having such a nice relationship with her dad, when she was little, she used to want ti have that same relationship with her mom, but they were just too different, besides, it seemed Bella simply understood her better. She went back to her dresser to grab her underwear, but she paused. Alice had gifted her a little something, and this was the best oppurtunity to use it, so she slipped into her bathroom and changed quickly into the deep red laced set she had gotten, then packed a second and rushed out of her house, saying goodbye to her father in the shortest way possible.

Since Maggie walked outside her house, a new feeling was wrapped around her, it was strong and had Jasper in a half high state, he couldn't get enough of it, it invaded all of his senses, and he tried to keep focused on the road as it clung itself to him. He drove faster than he ever had as the feeling asfixiated him.

"Uh, I'll take ur bag upstairs." He said with the bag already on his hand. Margaret just looked at him weird, with slight confusion on her face. Alice and Rosalie rushed towards her so fast she had no time to let her thoughts wonder why he was acting so strangely, and she got so caught up with them that she didn't catch Jasper leaving with Carlisle.


"Even with Margaret's help," Carlisle was explaining, "Isabella will find out sooner or later now." Jasper had just filled him in all the events at the beach, and how Isabella could have a lead to discover what they were.

"We'll keep trying." Jasper insisted. He had his arms crossed firmly over his chest, and a severe look on his face, all in a desperate attempt at trying to shook away the feeling that had gotten stuck on him since Maggie had gotten back in the car with him. For the first time in a very long time, he felt like he was running out of air. Suffocating. "I don't think Maggie will give up that easily, she cares too much." Carlisle somehow knew what his son meant, she was close to knowing something, something he didn't want her to know yet.

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