What dreams are made of.

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Margaret desperately tried to push her sister away from her mind, this was her time with Jasper, they deserved to be carefree at least for a few hours. They sat by the kitchen counter, Esme had made homemade nachos with cheese, and Maggie was munching on them like there was no tomorrow.

"These are amazing!" She said, pointing towards the food with a nacho she held between her fingers. "You take such good care of me." Maggie smiled at Esme, her face brightened with her flattery.

"Oh, you know how much I love cooking. It's really no trouble." Esme argued, her hand waving dismissively as she laughed.

"Where is everybody?" Maggie wondered aloud, wiping her hands together. "The storm is about to start." From behind flashed Alice and Michael, who quickly sat at the counter, followed by Carlisle.

"Edward still hasn't contacted us," Carlisle explained to his family. Then turned to Margaret, who looked horrified. Edward had ran away and it had been weeks without a trace of him. "He's done this before, hopefully it will keep him away from Bella." He reassured her, his soft smile easing her a little. "Emmett and Rosalie won't be coming either." He announced.

"Are they okay?" The vampires looked at each other, exchanging looks that seemed to hold a whole conversation.

"Oh you know, they're just knocking boots." Michael joked, grinning widely. Margaret looked back at him, puzzlement written all over her face. "They're trapped in a closet." He went on, his eyes widening as he saw that Margaret wasn't catching where he was going.

"Michael, just stop-" Jasper begged him, laughing behind his hand.

"It's just that time of year for them." Alice offered, but with each new piece of information Margaret was left with more questions than answers.

"What time?" Margaret asked, getting frustrated at bit understanding what they were talking about. Looking around she saw the uneasy looks on Carlisle and Esme's face.

"Why don't we go wait in the car?" Michael asked aloud before taking Alice by her hand and rushing off. Carlisle exchanged a look with Jasper and ran off with Esme behind him.

"Was it something I said?" She wondered, holding her arms with a concern frown over her face. Jasper walked closer to her, taking her hands in his.

"No," he laughed a little, looking at the ceiling as he prepared himself. "Rosalie and Emmett are just having some alone time." He whispered, his mouth lifting in a smirk.

"Oh." Margaret said plainly, the words settling in her mind. Her eyes widened. "Oh." The whole conversation played in slow motion by her mind, the realization sinking deep inside her. "Oh how embarrassing!" she covered her face with her hands, turning slightly pink. "I'm so stupid."

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad." Jasper comforted her, removing her hands from her face. "It's cute." Margaret punched him affectionately on his arm as she grunted.

"I must've looked so dumb." She whined, her eyes closed tightly as she replayed the moment over and over again. "I didn't know that..." she quieted, her question unfinished. "I thought that vampires couldn't... Gosh I don't know what I thought." Margaret hurried her face on Jasper's chest, softly grunting. Jasper wrapped his arms around her.

"It's because they're mates." He said, a weight lifted off his chest at the revelation. Jasper took a deep breath before he continued. "They're in their mating." He went on.

"What like soulmates?" Margaret asked, pulling away to face him completely. Jasper nodded, and she sighed in return. "This world sure is more complicated than I thought." Margaret slumped over herself, resting her arms on the counter, slouching over it.

I have waited a thousand years for you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora