chapter 9

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Jason felt awful seeing the pain in Kats' eyes as they left the crime scene she even asked him to drive back to the office he drove in total silence, and as soon as they made it back she went straight to her desk and remained quiet the rest of the day as she read through any news about the case and filtering though the pictures they had gotten earlier to find the perfect shot for the cover everytime he saw her he felt the regret of telling her so soon, seeing her gather her bags to leave for the day he made his way to her desk, "Are you doing okay?" He asked
Kat looked up at him and tried to smile "Yeah I'll be fine."
"Okay, just let me know if you need anything, alright?" He said
"Alright," she smiled up at him, dropping her bags to give him a hug. "Thank you, Jason it means a lot."
Gilt flooded his mind, knowing he caused this pain she was in. "I'm so sorry, Kat." He said softly, wrapping her in a hug.
She released him and picked up her bags
"Don't be, it's not your fault." She said as she made her way to the door to leave for the day.
Jason left shortly after Kat, bringing his equipment home and making himself a hot cup of tea, trying to calm down from the day he just endured
"It was you this time." He heard the whispers say
"You hurt her! It was you!" They said over and over relentlessly.
He sunk down the to the floor, clinging to the hot cup in his hands, praying it would stop, but he knew it wouldn't, not unless the punishment was administered he stood up slowly, his eyes fixed on the the stove still glowing red from  boiling the pot of tea.
Jason shut his eyes and lowered his arm down to the stove. As the pain consumed his thoughts, the whispers faded out. He smiled through the pain hearing the silence, knowing he had been redeemed.

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