chapter 8

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Kat returned home after the long draining day she had just had, still trying to process everything, images of their faces kept flashing through her mind, remembering the last time she saw each of them, she tried desperately to feel something other than relief that they were no longer a threat to her life, she wanted to feel hurt that they were gone or even just sad but the closest she could get was to feel empathy for how they left this world and guilt for knowing that she had wished each of them gone at some point in her past,
"But I would never wish that on anyone," she thought to herself, remembering the description of their demise,
"Each victim suffered severe trauma to the Throat to the point their wind pipe had actually been crushed under the pressure.
Although they all had the same cause of death, they all suffered different injuries after death, which caused our delay in declaring these incidents the act of a serial killer. "
She stopped reading after that she was too overwhelmed to hear anymore tonight
She called David only to be met with two rings, then his voice-mail she sighed disappointed but not surprised.
"Hey babe, sorry to bother you. I had kind of a rough day and just wanted to hear your voice. Give me a call when you get a chance, bye."
She turned on some music to drown out her thoughts and sank into the couch, still haunted by their faces
"How does this happen? I know every one of them how was I not questioned and why them who would have a motive." She thought to herself
She was suddenly reminded of all the awful things each of them had said or done to her she still remembers walking into work with the black eye Jared had given her  the night she finally left him it was the first time he had hit her somewhere she couldn't hide with long sleeves she remembered the looks of pity from her colleagues and Eliot screaming in her face and threatening her life anytime she displeased him or Patrick "Dear God I  really knew how to pick em." She said aloud.

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