chapter 2

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Kat loved spending time in her garden, the fresh air beautiful flowers all around her. It was so relaxing. Today, she was trimming her roses and waiting for David to get off work he had told her he was stopping by and that he had a surprise for her and knowing David that could mean anything from buying her flowers to announcing that he re-enlisted for the Air Force he is so unpredictable, but she was feeling optimistic today and chose to assume the best maybe he got that premonition he's been looking forward to and wanted to come celebrate
She smiled at the thought of how excited he would be, the grin stretched across his face, the excitement and pride in his voice the way his eyes sparkle when he's talking about his flying, she was so proud of him he is such a great pilot, and she didn't mind the uniform either, her mind wondered to the last time she saw him she blushed as the night raced through her mind. Kat awoke from her daydream when she heard a knock coming from behind her she looked back to see David leaning on the doorway,
she smiled and turned back to her roses. "Normal people don't knock when they're *leaving* a house," she said. She felt his arms gently slide around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. "I'm not normal," he whispered in her ear, Kat felt a chill go through her whole body as she melted into his arms she turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his "how was work" she asked
He smiled. "You won't believe this, I got it!" David stepped back and struck a pose."You're looking at the new Captain of United flyways," he said in a theatric voice.
"Oh my God, that's wonderful! I'm so proud of you, David," she said, reaching to hug him, David lifted her off the ground and kissed her passionately as Kat wrapped her legs around his waist,"fasten your seat belts this is about to get bumpy " he said carrying her into the house and closing the door behind them.

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