Chapter 46

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Ange's car speakers were blown and I wasn't the least surprised. Living on a winding beachside road with summer weather basically year-round, I didn't blame her. I only wished I could have appreciated my music a bit more. Nonetheless, my hair was windblown and my cheeks were probably already sunkissed when I pulled into the hospital parking lot. Making sure I paid for paring and locked the doors to my best friend's car before I walked towards the hospital entrance.

"Hello," I said in greeting to the nurse a the front desk. He looked up at me with a soft smile. "I'm looking for Angelina Delacose."

He nodded turning to the computer in front of him. "She is in room 518, take the elevator on your right at the end of the hallway."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Uh, sorry miss," The nurse stood up from behind his desk. "Would you like me to send a doctor up to that room to check on you as well? Sometimes it is easier being around friends and family when,"

I cut him off. "Thank you, but the bruising around my neck is a few days old and I have already seen a doctor."

He nodded and sat back down, subconsciously I touched my neck where it was still a little sore in spots as I walked towards the elevator to Ange's room. I thought about trying to find a way to cover it before seeing Ange, in case it freaked her out. But Caleb didn't seem too phased when he saw me earlier, and it didn't look nearly as bad as it looked a few days ago. The bruising was already fading.

The door to Ange's room was open so I took the invite to come in, just knocking lightly on the doorframe to let them know I was here.

"Blake!" Ange's smile was so wide and I hadn't realized just how much I had missed my best friend until now. My eyes welled up and I was across the room and wrapping my arms around her a moment later.

"I missed you," I said into her hair, not letting go of her just yet.

"I missed you too."

Slowly I let go of her, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. Caleb was sitting in a chair on the opposite side, holding Ange's hand. I glanced down at her swollen belly and smiled.

"I am so freaking excited to be an aunt."

Ange laughed, and I glanced at Caleb in time to see a look of relief wash over his features. I think seeing her happy was a relief for him.

We sat and talked for a while. I filled her and Caleb in on my life, both the good bad and the ugly. Ange made me promise to sometime in the future introduce her to Lily because according to Ange, she had to make sure Lily was our level of cool. Despite how many times I told her Lily was the perfect description of cool. Thankfully neither of them asked about the fading evidence of Mark's actions on my neck. It seemed like all of us were trying to keep the mood light. We talked about the nursery Ange had Caleb build upstairs, and how it was painted yellow because they didn't want blue or pink, they wanted happy colours only in the room. I also sat through their mini argument over how long exactly it took Caleb to build the crib. Both arguments were exceedingly large amounts of time. By the time the sun started to set, I realized it was way later than I thought and hugged my best friend goodbye.

"I'll be back tomorrow?" I questioned, in case she didn't want me around.

Ange smiled again and damn if I didn't miss her smile in all the time we were apart. "Yeah that sounds great, just don't come so early you interrupt my sleep-in."

I laughed, "Okay grandma."

"Shut up," Ange laughed.

I gave Caleb a quick hug and took one last glance at the couple before exiting the hospital.

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