Chapter 31

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"Mom!" I yelled from what seemed like across the airport. I have just landed back in Calgary after the Australian Grand Prix and extremely jet-lagged was the only way to describe myself right now.

"Oh B, look at you, you look exhausted."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Come on let's get you home to bed, you can tell your father and I about your worldly adventures in the morning, or whenever you get up. Probably best to get as much sleep as you can." I managed a weak smile and a nod. My mom's voice alone could put me to sleep, but when we got into the car and it was still warm I fell asleep five minutes into the drive. The time difference between Canada and Australia was no joke.

I woke the same weird way every kid does when my mom pulled down our street and into our driveway. Her flower pots, or the new ones that didn't get killed by the frost a couple weeks ago looked amazing and a subtle wave of nostalgia hit me seeing my dad sitting on the front porch reading a book. I get my reading habits from him, mom can barely read one book in a year. He put down his book when my mom put the car in park and I sleepily made my way over to him. Dad's hugs will forever be the best types of hugs.

"You look tired B, is everything alright?" My dad said, releasing me from the hug.

"Funny, Mom said the same thing," I said trying to muster up some more sarcasm. The jet lag wasn't the only thing weighing on me, but they didn't need to know I had fallen for the man I was travelling the world with, admitted my feelings to him, and then been crushed to pieces when he didn't feel the same.

They didn't need to know about Mark either, because truthfully I had nothing other than some weird vibes from him.

Or the media and the fact that since I posted that photo of Oscar and I, I have been bullied like a fifth-grader.

Or Ange.

God, Ange. Caleb texted me on the flight and it came through when I landed, I haven't even looked at the message yet.

Dad gave me a weird look. "I'm fine Dad, just tired from the weekend and even more tired from the flight."

The muscles in his face relaxed but his eyes stayed cautious. "All right then, I'll grab your bag, you just head up to bed. Fred has been sleeping on your pillow since you left so you may want to grab a new one from the linen closet."

"Damn cat," I mumbled, a smile cracked across both my parent's faces. "Thanks, I'll see you both when I wake up, love you," I said in parting, turning to the front entrance.

"Love you too B," Mom said.

"Have a good sleep!" Dad shouted, I was already halfway upstairs.

My room hasn't changed since I left, save for the larger dint in my favourite pillow, which was currently occupied by Fred. I walked over to the cat, he stretched, showing off just how much his diet mom put him on was working. It wasn't. A loud purr erupted when I sat down beside him and for the first time in over twelve hours, I pulled up my messages on my phone. Slowly, I started to go through them. First, I messaged Caleb, my anxiety was making me think the worst of Ange.

Hey Blake, I hope your flight went well. Angelina asked me to message you since the morning sickness is really settling in for her, electronics seem to make it worse. Anyway, she said to tell you about the Baby names we're thinking of. We want a gender-neutral name no matter what.
Angelina's favourites: Avery and Finley
Mine: Peyton and Morgan
Thoughts? Talk soon.

I smiled, anxieties drifting away and out my cracked window. Fred's purring and the sound of my phone keyboard were the only sounds filling my room.

I like Morgan and Finley. Avery doesn't really have an easy way to make it a nickname, and neither does Peyton. But, all four names are beautiful whatever you two choose will be amazing. I hope Ange's morning sickness gets better and I hope everything else is going well too. Already looking forward to visiting in September.

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