Chapter 42

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***Trigger warning, scenes including SA, and violence***

After the first hour, it becomes clear that Mark isn't here and after a few drinks, I'm more relaxed too. Lando hasn't strayed too far, but neither has Oscar and with time creeping its way further into the night, the alcohol and the music eventually we have all relaxed and let loose a little. The drivers deserved somewhere they could just relax and have some fun. So, seeing as Lando didn't live far from here and there were lots of taxis on Friday nights we were all a little tipsy.

"I've missed you around the house," Lily says from beside me where we are taking a break to sit and take the weight off our heeled feet.

I lean my head onto her shoulder briefly. "We've technically only missed out on a few days together."

"Yeah, and it's a few days too much."

I recently spent the last twenty minutes explaining the events of Oscar and I's days together, and now she wants me back. It's like, 'Well you figured that out now come back to your girlfriend'. I really am thankful to Lily, over the past few months we have become very close and I consider her one of my best friends. And that's another weird concept to me since I've never really had friends other than Ange. Let alone another best friend. Hell, Lily knows more about me and my life right now than Ange does.

"What's up B?" Lily asks after we both take another sip of our drinks.

"What?" I question.

Lily sighs. "You keep looking at the door."

It was true, the entrance to the VIP area was right in my line of sight and I knew that if I saw Mark walk through the doors I would be walking right out them.

"I'm all right Lils, I'm just thinking I need some fresh air it's hot in here." I lie. I know she knows I'm lying but I'm not telling her about Mark on a night where we are all supposed to be having fun.

"Well, it should be cooler on the dance floor" Lily announces, putting her drink down and grabbing my hand.

"I don't think a cold dance floor exists in any club." I laugh but let her pull me up anyway. Truthfully it's no hotter in here than I expected it to be. I throw back the last of my drink and place the empty glass on the bar as Lily drags me past it and past Oscar, Alex and Lando in the process. I shoot Oscar a pleading look but he just shakes his head laughing at Lily's commitment I'm sure.

We reach the dance floor and with the alcohol surging through our bodies, we blend right into the dancing crowd. Kelly joins us a few moments later and we all start dancing together. Hilarious dance moves, so-called normal ones and everything in between. Alex joins us a while later when a slightly slower song, at least for a club's degree of song comes on and so does Max. I spot Charles across the room with a brunette I haven't met before, and George and Carmen sitting with all of our bags looking rather lovey-dovey.

I feel the presence behind me before I feel him. His hands wrap around my waist and pull me roughly to him. My backside flush against him. My heart rate picks up and I can feel the blood pumping through my chest and neck, my hands begin to sweat and throb with the grip I have across his arm that cages in my waist. His free hand is everywhere, my neck, my chest, my mouth. Through the mass of bodies filling the dance floor, I try and spot my friends that I could see only a moment ago but the walls start to shrink and the heat begins to rise. Suddenly it's harder to breathe and the lights are getting darker. I realize now that I'm being pulled further from the dancefloor and the safety of my friends.

"Oscar!" I manage to get out before a large hand slams over my mouth again. My mouth and nose are both blocked and I struggle to breathe even more now through the panic. I'm pulled, half dragged further down into the darkness of a hallway. I try and squirm, and pull away, but his grip is too strong around my waist and suddenly I feel utterly powerless.

I should've just gone to Hawaii with Ange, I could've avoided this. 

I feel the first tear then and I don't know if it's from fear, sadness or my breath barely coming through his hand. After the first tear, it might as well have been a floodgate. I'm terrified, grabbing onto what I can, I think of digging my heel into his foot but he's moving too fast and I can't get my feet under me to move them.

"Stop fighting you whore, I promise you'll like it." Mark's voice is filled with nothing but pure malice. 

I sob then and reach for his face with my hands. I can't get a hold of anything before I'm slammed against a wall head-first and I feel my body crumple to the ground. My already blurred vision turns to static but I can make out the walls of the room. We are not in the hallway anymore, It seems like some kind of supply room for the club but I can't tell.

A brutal cough escapes me a few times as I try and catch my breath. Mark hasn't moved towards me yet and it somehow makes me even more scared.

"Stop, Mark please," I beg through a sob. I try to will my limbs to stand and run but instead, my muscles shake and I realize the floor is where I'll stay.

He laughs, low and brutal. "You know, I dreamt of you in so many ways Blake," Mark says, beginning to slowly walk towards me. My shaking body won't hold me. I can't stand but somehow I will the muscles to move and I manage to pull myself backwards away from him slowly. "I pictured you in my bed," he continues. "I dreamed of you bent over my counter, fucking me like the good whore I know you are." My back hits the wall and I look around. I have nowhere to go. I can't breathe. "I never thought of a supply room though. Maybe we'll make some new dreams tonight sweetheart hmm?" Mark's face is the picture of nonchalance as he nears closer and closer to me.

"Please," I try and beg for him to stop again but my voice comes out weak as a part of me knows he won't stop. 

Mark scoffs and grabs for me and I flinch back but he manages to grab my left leg right at the knee. I try and pull away but he pulls, hard, my head hits the floor with a smack and I see static again. My back is flush with the floor, not the wall I notice with panic. I keep trying to fight him. I think I'm screaming because Mark's hand comes over my mouth again. 

My throat hurts. 

The slit I loved so much about this dress is being pushed further up my thigh by Mark's free hand, the one not covering my mouth and nose.

And then I hear it.

"Blake!" It's Lando.

"B where are you?!" Lily's voice fills my ears.

"BLAKE!" Oscar, louder than anyone I hear him.

I try and fight Mark but his hand is over my mouth as his movements accelerate. "Shut up or I'll shut you up." He threatens. My head begins to feel light and I stop feeling if my dress gets and higher. I stop feeling at all. I'm struggling to down a full breath. My head is filling with static now too as my eyes begin to flicker between light and darkness.

And then suddenly there isn't a weight over me and I'm coughing between heaving breaths. I look up and see Lily, tears streaming down her face. My eyesight flickers again but I still manage to flinch when someone touches my hip.

"It's all right B, you're going to be all right, I'm just going to pull your dress down okay?" It's Kelly, she's using her mom voice. It's oddly soothing. I can hear crashing and swearing from somewhere, but I don't really notice it or care. Slowly I rest my head back.

"No, no stay awake B." This time it's Lily that speaks.

I tried but failed. 

Darkness overwhelmed me. 

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