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Tijuana, Baja California

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Tijuana, Baja California

When Blake said that my project "lacked structure" he was being dreadfully generous. I kid you not, the first step of my master plan was written as 'make contact with a low-level cartel member'. Simple as that, no further elaboration. How my operation got approved, I will never know.

Laura and I are settling in, unpacking our stuff and cleaning around. Unlike me, she's the tidy type. We're staying at my house, a small place that was passed on to me after my dad died. It's just one floor, two bedrooms with a contiguous bathroom and a kitchen that joins a spacious dining room with view to our backyard. The thing is, there is an empty accommodation next door with a huge rent sign. Lau had the idea of contacting the owner so she could turn the place into a café, which has been one of her projects for a while now. I think it's genius. Since we don't know how long we'll be here, the cafe would serve as a perfect front and she'll get to do what she enjoys most.

"I- uh... I've got something to tell you," I say, avoiding eye contact as I pour coffee in my mug.

She suddenly stops reading her magazine, diverting her eyes to me. "Should I be concerned?"

"Perhaps..." I clear my throat, taking a seat in front of her. "We've been here for almost a week already, so... I think it's time to make my first move."

"Alright. Why do you sound so suspicious about it?" Poor thing, she has no idea. "You know I'm with you, however bad it might seem."

"Well... While I was here on research duty, I discovered that Ramón owns a club in the fanciest part of the city." Lau slowly nods her head with a furrowed brow, attentive to my words. "He's got security all over, but they never check women. He goes there every weekend and always leaves with a girl or two. So I was thinking..."

"Oh, god. I know where this is going..." she rubs her eyelids with her fingertips, sighing. "Seriously? Taking on Ramón under his own roof?"

"Okay, hear me out," now I must sound insane. There's actually no guarantee that I'm not losing it already. "I'll just draw him out, get him alone and then pull the information out of him. He's an easy target, believe me. Always thinking with the wrong head." I swear this isn't just my rancor talking. "The only problem I see is Jaemin. They're always together. I don't how I'll handle this if I have him prying around."

"Really? That's the only problem you see?" she mutters sardonically.

"Bear with me, I have a contingency plan." I see her features relax again. "Even if something goes wrong, I will make sure Ramón can't get me."

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