Chapter 21 - Hidden Secrets

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Time Skip - Couple of hours

The fleet has now returned to Pearl Harbor and everyone is now trying to get better after their encounter with the new Blitzkrieg. The little ducks move about the damaged ships following the orders of Vestal and Akashi. The scene cuts to a hospital room where an unconscious Blitzkrieg lays in the bed with restraints. The camera pans to face the rest of the occupants of the room. They are Bismarck, FDG, Tirpitz, Enterprise, Nagato, and QE.

Bismarck: Pacing back and forth. When is Vestal and Akashi going to get here?

Enterprise: Be patient Bismarck. A lot of us are injured after subduing Blitzkrieg.

Nagato: Yes, patience is a virtue and being so nervous won't be of any help to anyone.

FDG: I agree with them child. Come, sit down. Pats the seat beside her.

Bismarck: Fine. Sits down. But how are we going to help Big Schwester?

Tirpitz: I'm sure Vestal and Akashi will know. We just have to have faith in their ability.

An hour has passed and Vestal and Akashi finally arrived

Akashi: Did we keep you waiting Nya?

Enterprise: Work your magic Vestal.

Vestal: Akashi, did you bring the brain scanner?

Akashi: Of course Nya. Hands over the Brain Scanner.

Vestal: I need everyone to leave while we work on diagnosing her.

Everyone left the room even though some protests were voiced but they all left Akashi and Vestal to themselves to work. Everyone who was in the room was now gathered in the Meeting room discussing with Sarah. It was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Sarah: Come in.

Cleveland opened the door and entered.

Cleveland: I have brought some documents that I found while inspecting Blitzkrieg's ship.

Sarah: I'll take them. Takes the documents. Hmm interesting.

FDG: What is it?

Sarah: These documents detail her current standing orders and other information. These papers are quite old though so some of the words are unreadable. My German is a little rusty though so that's all I could make out.

Bismarck: Here, I'll read it. Takes the documents. It says that her current standing orders are to eliminate all ..... Warships. Effective as of ....... And on. Mmmm. The rest of these documents are about the current standings of Azur Lane. It details how the factions are almost at war. It is safe to say that these are old documents. But the rest of these documents are missing.

Tirpitz: What makes you say that Schwester?

Bismarck: Some information on this set of documents are referencing pages that aren't present here.

Sarah: Then we need to find them. They may yet shed light on what is happening with Blitzkrieg. Cleveland.

Cleveland: Yes ma'am?

Sarah: Where did you find these documents?

Cleveland: I found them in the briefing room. I brought them here immediately so I didn't look anywhere else.

Sarah: I see. Take these three. Points to Bismarck, Tirpitz, and FDG. I'm sure you will have no problems searching Blitzkrieg's ship.

FDG: No. It'll be better since we can read the language so we'll know what we are looking at.

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