Chapter 9 - Mirror World

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It has been a couple of days since Blitzkrieg has become Arbiter Empress III's new pet. Blitzkrieg's little sisters are still diligently looking for her while Azur Lane is preparing for another battle against the Sakura Empire.

The scene cuts to the secret shipyard where Orochi is being built. There stands Akagi and Kaga on a nearby walkway. Awaiting the arrival of someone.

Akagi: So, you finally showed up. Why have you called us? Observer.

Observer: So poisonous those words. Anyway, I have come to bring a new part of the project. Opens a portal.

Out of the portal came Blitzkrieg, still emotionless.

Kaga: Isn't that the ship girl that Iron Blood is looking for?!

Observer: Why yes she is. But, she has been put under the control of the Empress. She will act as a bodyguard for Orochi and act as an escort for her.

Akagi: Quite clever. I believe we have a space big enough for her ship over there in the next cave. We'll dock her there.

Observer: Agreed.

Kaga: Wait, what will our allies say about this when they learn of this?! Especially Iron Blood.

Observer: Once our mission of destroying Azur Lane is complete. We will return her to her little sisters safe and sound.

Akagi: Do not worry about that dear sister. Our ally here will make sure everything goes according to plan.

Observer: As I always do.

Meanwhile at Iron Blood

Tirpitz: Schwester!

Bismarck: What's wrong Schwester?!

Tirpitz: Big Schwester's ship is gone!

Bismarck: What?!

FDG came into the room.

Bismarck: Mutter. Big Schwester's ship is gone.

FDG: What?!

Bismarck: What are we going to do now?!

Tirpitz: I don't know.

Back at Sakura Empire

Blitzkrieg had her ship docked in the cave beside Orochi's cave. Meanwhile Akagi was in Nagato's office.

Nagato: I don't know about this offensive. Luring Azur Lane into the Siren Mirror world. It's risky.

Akagi: Don't worry Lady Nagato. With the power of the Black Mental Cube. Our victory will be all but assured.

Nagato: Fine. Assemble a fleet to take with you. Ohh. and how is the progress coming along with the project?

Akagi: Project Orochi is well on its way to completion. We have acquired a new asset as well to protect it from attacks while in combat.

Nagato: I see. What is this new asset?

Akagi: We have gained control of a ship. Taken from the sirens. We have turned it against its own and will be used to escort project Orochi.

Nagato: I see.

Akagi: Rest assured. Lady Nagato. We will return victorious.

Nagato: You better. Dismissed.

Akagi bows and leaves the room. A briefing is held shortly after with all of the ships that will be participating in the surprise attack. The ship girls made ready to sail and traveled into the mirror world with the help of the Black Mental Cube.

Meanwhile - Blitzkrieg's cave

Observer: You will be joining the battle after the fighting has already begun. You will fire only on the Azur Lane vessels. Do not hit the Sakura Empire ships. Iron Blood won't be there, for they are busy trying to find you. Your mission is to incite fear into the ship girls of Azur Lane. I will pull you out after this timer has run out. Hands over the timer. We cannot keep you in prolonged combat for you have a bigger purpose to serve. Do you understand?

Blitzkrieg: Yes ma'am.

Observer: Good, now all we have to do is wait for your que.

Meanwhile at Azur Lane base

A meeting was currently being held to discuss how they are going to go forward in the war. It was interrupted when Long Island burst through the door.

Enterprise: What is it Long Island?

Long Island: We received radio signals coming from Sakura Empire about a massive fleet build up not far from the Marshall Islands.

Sarah: Then we need to go and stop them. I want both the Royal Navy and Eagle Union to mobilize and eliminate this threat.

Enterprise/QE: Hai!

Enterprise and QE rallied their fleets and made sail to the supposed fleet build up, not knowing it was a trap. They arrived in the area to see that it was blanketed with rough and harsh storms.

Hornet: I don't get it. Where are they?

Cleveland: I can't see anything.

A bright light engulfed the combined fleet, teleporting them into the Siren Mirror world.

Enterprise: We're in the Siren Mirror world.

Cleveland: How?

Akagi: Welcome Azur Lane. To my world.

Hundreds of siren portals opened up, pouring siren warships into the mirror world. Then the Sakura Empire ships came out of the fog and revealed themselves.

Enterprise: Charge!

QE: Royal Knights, attack!

The two forces met, and countless shells were fired. Kaga and Enterprise went head to head. Zuikaku attacked Hornet and the forces continued to battle. Enterprise was making her way to Akagi, dodging the incoming shells until she reached her.

Enterprise: You're through.

Enterprise sent a golden arrow straight into Akagi's chest. She fell and sank into the waters below.

Kaga: Onee-sama! You'll pay for that Gray Ghost!

Enterprise: Then come and get it.

The battle was then silenced as the thundering noise came from the distance. Then, a thundering crack could be heard as whatever it was that was coming at them broke the sound barrier time and time again. A rock that a few of the ship girls from Azur Lane were hiding behind exploded, sending the ship girls that were there flying, only to hit the water with a thud.

Enterprise: What was that?!

Hornet: It came from over there!

All of Azur Lane looked at the source and stayed in utter shock and disbelief, so were the Sakura Empire ships except for Kaga. It was Blitzkrieg and....Observer. Observer was sitting on top of Blitz's bridge while Biltz was standing on top of turret B. Her eyes a bright siren yellow.

Observer: Let's get this party started, shall we Blitzy.

Blitzkrieg: Let's.

With that, another thunderous crack was unleashed. The battle had just begun for Azur Lane.

:Author Note:

I am so sorry for the wait and I apologize for that. I will try to keep my promise of coming out with a new chapter every week to the best of my abilities. Also, a thank you to everyone for your comments and constructive criticism. I have read all of your comments and will try to take your advice for future books that I might publish. I would also like to know your opinions on how I did in writing my first book :). This is IronSoldier1177... over and out. 

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