Returning To The North

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Catelyn's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Arya's shoulder. "You've been through so much, Arya. You've faced so many dangers. I understand why you feel the need to avenge our family, but I don't want you to put yourself in any more danger than you already have." Her voice was gentle, but firm.

Sansa nodded in agreement. "Littlefinger is still with us, sister. Perhaps he can speak with Cersei on our behalf. He might be able to secure her aid or even sack the city, using the Knights of the Vale. It would be safer for you to stay here, where you can help protect Winterfell and our people."

Jon looked at Arya, his expression concerned. "Arya, you must listen to your mother. Your place is here, with your family. We need your strength and your skills to help us prepare for the battle ahead. You cannot risk your life by going back to King's Landing."

Catelyn nodded in agreement. "Littlefinger is the best option, Arya. He knows how to navigate court politics better than anyone. And with the Knights of the Vale at his side, he could achieve more than we ever could."

That in no way meant she trusted him.

Along with Brienne and Yohn Royce, they had been digging into Littlefinger's past.

Catelyn knew that sending him to King's Landing might be a risk, but it was a risk she was willing to take. With the Knights of the Vale at his side, he could achieve more than they ever could. And perhaps, just perhaps, he would be able to sway Cersei's mind and secure their help in the fight against the White Walkers.

Either that, or sack the city, and kill Cersei.

The idea of it was intoxicating. Arya had been playing with the thought for days, her fingers twitching for her sword hilt and her mind racing with plans. She would return to King's Landing, sneak past the guards, and find her way to Cersei's chambers. She would end her once and for all, and then she could return to her family, her honour restored.

But every time she thought about it, the words of her mother and sister rang in her ears. They were right; she had survived so much already, and she had a duty to protect those who depended on her. Still, the pull of revenge was too strong to ignore. She had promised her family, but she couldn't help but feel that her destiny lay elsewhere.

Catelyn, Sansa, and even Jon tried to reason with her, but Arya was adamant. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant to be the one to take Cersei out. It was as if fate itself had carved her name on the queen's tombstone. In the end, they reluctantly agreed to let her go, understanding the weight of her burden.

Now, they still had to inform the Northern Lords and Ladies of reluctance to aid them, and their plan with the hopes of changing that.

[Great Hall]

The men and women were chattering amongst themselves in the hall. But, they quickly grew quiet as the Stark siblings and Catelyn, the Stark matriarch, entered and sat at the high table.

"I thank you for being patient." Jon said. "Daenerys Targaryen has agreed to send one of her men North with us to hunt one of the army of the dead."

The murmurs began.

"We intend to bring it to King's Landing and show it to Cersei, to prove that this threat is real. We need as many men as we can muster if we are to win this fight."

"Who is this man?" Robett Glover asked.

Jon took a deep breath before responding. "Jorah Mormont."

Murmurs grew louder.

"The man your father wished to execute for being a slaver."

"And my cousin," Lyanna Mormont chimed in.

"Aye. But, if we are to prove the existence of this threat to humanity, we must do this. It is the surest way of showing everyone how imminent this threat is. With it right in front of them, there will be no way to overlook this. The more living fighters we have, the better our chances are for survival. This isn't about Houses. If we die, our houses die, our names die. We must prevent that from happening."

"What about the Dragon Queen?" One of the Northern lords asked. "Is she joining us?"

"When we provide proof and secure a truce with Cersei, yes."

"And you think you can trust Cersei Lannister to keep her word?" Lyanna asked. "She blew up the Sept of Baelor, killing the Tyrells, the Faith, and her own uncle. How can you be sure someone like that will help us and not stab us in the back?"

"You want the truth? I don't know. But, what I do know is, if it is just us fighting, we won't stand a chance against what's coming. We need more fighters."

"Look," Sansa stood. "I know Cersei better than anyone here. She is vile, cruel, vengeful and deceitful. She has lost both of her sons and both of her daughters left her. Her children were her tether. They were what kept her grounded. But, when something or someone threatened that bond, she found a way to get rid of them."

"And yet she lost all of her children." Another Northern lord commented.

"Exactly. Which is why we will do our best to force Cersei to join us. It's not about being Queen. If she wants to live, for her daughters to live, she will make the right choice."

Or so one could only hope.


Before she left, Arya visited the crypts beneath the Winterfell, paying her respects to her family. She knelt before her father's tomb, feeling the icy touch of his sword on her hand. "I will not fail you, father," she whispered. "I will make you proud." With a heavy heart, she bid them farewell and mounted her horse.

As she rode south, Arya felt a sense of determination she had never known before. The wind whipped through her hair, carrying the scent of freedom and danger. She recalled the lessons her father had taught her, the strategies she had learned from the best fighters in the Seven Kingdoms. She was Arya Stark of Winterfell, and she would not be stopped.

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