"You might not have loved him. But, I did. Our sister did."

"Father was the one who couldn't love me." Tyrion exclaimed. "Do you truly believe me cruel enough that I felt nothing when I shot that bow into his heart?"

"Not nothing, no. I'm sure you felt hate. You didn't think about how your siblings would feel."

Tyrion scoffed. "It certainly is easy to stand there and say these things, because he actually liked you."

"Maybe," Jaime conceded. "But, that still gave you no right to kill him."

"You know, you should consider yourself lucky."

"Why is that?"

"You had everything. You felt a father's love, a mother's love, a sister's love, hell, you even had the people's love. You had the looks, the opportunities, skills in swordsmanship, the 'right' body. But you lost it all."

"I lost it with the death of my father."

"No," Tyrion shook his head. "You lost it when you became a Kingslayer. You f*cked your sister, allowed the Stark boy to capture you, and lost your sword hand trying to escape. Maybe if I had all the things you did, our father might have found it in himself to love me. You lost it all, and our father overlooked it. Because that was much easier than admitting his only heir was a dwarf who killed his mother as she gave birth to him. That's all people see when they look at me; the Imp, a murderous, cruel dwarf. If I had even half of what you did, I would make sure I nevr lost it. Not like you."

Jaime was left speechless as he listened to the resentment pour out from his own brother's mouth. But he quickly felt anger boil within him at Tyrion's words. "You don't know what it's like to have the weight of the world on your shoulders! You don't know what it's like to be expected to be perfect, to be loved by everyone! I did what I had to do to protect the people I cared about!"

"He was going to execute me. He knew I was innocent. He didn't hate me because of anything I did, he hated me because of what I am. The little monster sent to punish him. Do you think I wanted to be born this way? Did he think I chose-"

"What do you want?" Jaime interrupted.

"Daenerys will win this war. You're a military man. You must know there is no way around it. Daenerys is not her father. She's even willing to suspend hostilities if Cersei agrees to certain terms."

"You want Cersei to bend the knee you can ask her yourself."

"I -- I don't. Daenerys doesn't. Not right now anyway. She has a more important request."

More important indeed.

[King's Landing - Flea Bottom]

Men are in the market selling their wares. A blacksmith sharpens a sword on a grinding wheel. Davos was walking through the market glancing around.

A man in a blacksmith shop pulled a sword from the fire and began to hammer it on his anvil.

Davos walks into the shop. "I wasn't sure I'd find you."

The blacksmith put the sword down and turned around, revealing Gendry Waters, the bastard son of Robert Baratheon.

"I thought you might still be rowing."

Gendry chuckled and Davos smiled.

"Our mutual friend looked in shops, taverns, brothels. He should have known to come straight to the Street of Steel."

"Weren't you worried about the Goldcloaks?"

"I haven't been here in yeas. Why should they recognize me? Sometimes I hardly do. Nothing fucks you harder than timr."

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