💝mine all mine 💝 b.k

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Bill and Lily had been best friends since they were kids. They did everything together, from exploring the woods behind their neighborhood to attending each other’s family gatherings. They were inseparable, and everyone around them could see their strong bond.

As they grew older, Bill and Lily’s friendship only grew stronger. They knew everything about each other, from their deepest fears to their biggest dreams. They were each other’s confidant, always there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

Their friends often teased them about being the perfect couple, but Bill and Lily just laughed it off. They were content with their friendship and never thought of each other in a romantic way. That is, until one summer day when everything changed.

Bill and Lily were spending a lazy afternoon at the park, enjoying the warm sun and each other’s company. As they sat on the grass, watching the clouds drift by, Lily suddenly turned to Bill with a serious expression.

“bill, can I ask you something?” she said, her voice shaking a little.

“Of course, Lily. You can ask me anything,” bill replied, concerned by his friend’s sudden change in demeanor.

Lily took a deep breath before blurting out her question, “Do you ever think about us being… more than friends?”

Bill’s heart skipped a beat as he looked into Lily’s piercing bright blue eyes. He had never thought about their relationship in that way, but now that she had brought it up, he couldn’t stop the thoughts from flooding his mind.

“I… I don’t know. I mean, we’ve been friends for so long and I wouldn’t want to ruin that,” Bill stammered, unsure of what to say.

“Me neither, but… I can’t ignore these feelings anymore, bill. I think I’m in love with you,” Lily confessed, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

Bill’s heart swelled with love for Lily. He had always cared for her deeply, but he never realized that his feelings had turned into something more.

“I love you too, Lily. I always have, but I was too afraid to admit it because I didn’t want to lose you,” bill finally admitted, a smile spreading across his face.

From that day on, everything changed for bill and Lily. They began dating and discovered a whole new level of love and support in their relationship. They went on adventures together, shared their passions and dreams, and faced challenges hand in hand.

Their friends were not surprised by the news of their relationship. They had seen the love between Bill and Lily from the beginning and were happy that they had finally found their way to each other’s hearts.

Years went by, and bill and Lily’s love only grew stronger. They got married under the same oak tree where they had their first date, surrounded by their loved ones. It was a beautiful celebration of their love and the journey they had taken from best friends to lovers.

As they danced under the stars on their wedding night, bill and Lily couldn’t help but reflect on their journey. They knew that their friendship had been the foundation of their love and promised to always cherish and prioritize it in their marriage.

Together, they had experienced all the ups and downs of life, and they knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they had each other’s unwavering love and support. They were not just best friends anymore, but lovers who were meant to be together forever.

Mine all mine

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