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daddy tucked me in right next to him tonight, i finally got to sleep well, right beside him, right where i want to be.

i fell asleep with my pacifier on and my stuffy, but daddy was holding me. i felt his breath hit my neck, and i snuggled even more into his chest everytime he moved.

he kissed my forehead right before i fell asleep, almost like he knows.


i woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking, daddy was awake. i looked over, just noticing what he was wearing. he wore a black shirt, almost fitted, and grey sweats.

i've never seen him in anything but his work clothes. it's weird.

he must've heard me stir awake because he looked back at me and started to walk over. i think he could tell i was in little space so he picked me up and sat me in a chair, giving me a glass of water.

"did you sleep good?" he asked. i nodded and rubbed my eyes. i just know that my hair was crazy and i didn't look good right now.

with that thought, he set the plate down infront of me, cutting my food up into smaller bites and letting me feed myself.

breakfast was silent, we didn't have much to talk about. i really just wanted to be little all day today.

after breakfast, daddy made me text my family and tell them i was at a friends house since i didn't want to be alone last night.

so just as i wanted, i got to be little all day long while daddy took care of me.


i spent all weekend at daddy's house. i got to be as little as i wanted. and i was good the entire time!

i'm so much happier now that i'm being taken care of like i've always longed to me.

he made sure to tell me how good i was too, how he was proud of me for not acting up. i told my family that i was at a friends this weekend, and they bought it. i think they just want me to branch out more. i mean, i have spencer, aria, hanna, and emily. but i'm only really close with spencer, i never exactly clicked with the other girls.

yes, we've all been friends for years, but i often leave myself out. i'm not upset about being left out as im the one who does it, they invite me, i just don't come sometimes. they know why. they don't hate me for it.

but now i have daddy. i'm able to be with him, almost whenever id like. which is all the time. so maybe not whenever i want, but a lot of the time.

and when we aren't together, we're on the phone. either texting or calling.

when daddy took me home, he dropped me off a little away from the house, just like i ask, and gave me a kiss goodbye.


i woke up to a call, so naturally, i ignored it. and then they called again. and again. so finally, i answered.

"hello?" i said in a tired voice.

"when i call, you better answer." ezra said in a stern voice.

"sorry daddy! i was asleep and it didn't wake me up." i quickly rose out of bed.

"it's alright. you're up late today." he spoke as i could hear the shuffle of him opening his car door.

"i am?" i questioned as i checked the time. 20 minutes until i have to be out the door.

"oh crap! i am late!" i exclaimed as i jumped out of bed, practically running to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

i stayed on the phone with daddy the entire time as i got ready. i dressed myself in some pink sweats and a white shirt, throwing my hair into a low ponytail and putting no makeup on today.

i don't look cute today. at all.

as always, spencer gave me a ride to school and i 'went to the library' but really made my way to ezra's class. nobody ever saw me.

i opened the door, walking in and rubbing one of my eyes.

"hey princess" he greeted me, looking up from his desk.

"hi daddy." i replied, still very tired.

"well isn't someone sleepy today" he chuckled before pulling me over to him, letting me lean against him.

"i want to go back to bed." i whined, letting him engulf me in his arms.

"what time did you go to bed last night?" he asked.

"8:30! i went early i promise!" i exclaimed.

"i guess you'll have to take an extra long nap today." he smiled down at me, i just nodded and closed my eyes, letting my head rest on his chest.


my head rested in my hand as my elbow was propped up on the desk beneath me. my eyes were barely open as i listened to the sound of ezra teaching.

he was talking about the reading we had to do tonight, just a few chapters of the book. but all i could think of was going to his apartment and snuggling up against him, not waking up until the next morning.

the truth is, i didn't go to bed on time last night. i stayed up, but only because i was still scared, thinking of what happened last time i tried to sleep in the house.

i don't think anyone was in the house, but things like that happen all the time. no, not in rosewood. but just in general. nothing ever happens in rosewood.

the most interesting thing that's ever happened is when alison went missing. we still haven't found the body, if she really is dead.

i don't want to believe it, but i can't help but think it. what if she is dead? but also, what if she's alive?

me and alison were never super close, but we got along. she was never as mean to me as she was to the other girls.

i think she just didn't see me as much of a threat as she did the other girls.

and with that, the bell rung and made me hop up from my seat and start out the door.

i was always purposely the last one out, just so i could graze his hand with mine, the unnoticeable way of showing love.

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