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ezra fitz never got with aria. or alison.


i was NOT supposed to think my teacher was hot. but i do.

i'm alora grey. i'm eighteen, but ive been hiding something for years.

i'm a little, and if you don't know what that is, i regress to a different age due to issues as a child. i was ripped away from my family at three years old.

car accident, but i got adopted. my family's great, i have a sister that's my age, she knows what i am.

my best friend and sister, spencer hastings, always supported me. see, im friends with everybody in the group. hannah, aria, and emily. alison went missing years ago, i feel as though i see her everywhere.

alison was the girl i grew up with. she got meaner and meaner as she got older. but alison always cared. even if she didn't always show it.

the hastings family adopted me. i never got close with melissa, but she was nice to me. not to spencer. me and spencer had sleepovers almost all the time, i only ever slept alone in my little space. i got embarrassed.

my parents aren't home a lot, so most of the time, it's me and spencer. maybe toby.

i never took their last name though.


i sit in mr. fitz's class, watching him write about the book we're reading. he has beautiful views on the world, on books and literature.

and hes hot. that's always a plus.

the sound of the bell filled my ears as i gathered my things, walking past mr. fitz and suddenly becoming very aware of the pink skirt i had on and the little white bow in my hair.

i looked back as i walked out of the classroom, giving a look at him. and we made eye contact.

i quickly turned my head back, only to see hanna.

"sorry, alora!" she quickly apologized as i tried to hide my blush.  i walked up to spencer, who had math with me next period.

"why are you blushing?" she teased.

"nothing!" i exclaimed.

fitz walked out of his class, giving me a quick glance as he passed. i blushed even make at that.

"oh my god! you have the hots for fitz!" she exclaimed, but not to loudly. which i'm grateful for.

"shutup!" i shushed her. she laughed a little while shaking her head, i could never lie to her.

spencer walked up to our friends as we joined them
on the way to class, separating from the group, we walked into our math class.

i was always the worst at math.


the last bell rang, but i stayed behind in my history class. i loved my teacher. i helped her clean up a bit, before walking the halls of the school, getting ready to catch a ride home with spencer. she had a club tonight, so i would have to wait an hour until i got to go home.

i ran into a body, looking up only to see mr. fitz.

"alora? what are you doing here? are you alright?" he asked me, but all i could focus on was his hands that caught me.

i felt the familiar warmth of a blush creeping across my face. his gentle touch and words made me slip into a younger age.

"i- im fine!" i said, standing up a bit before messing with my hands.

"why are you still here? do you need a ride?" he asked me

"i'm waiting on my sister" i said quietly.

"oh. how much longer do you have to go?" he asked

"mm, maybe an hour!" i told him, trying to compose myself and act my age. my real age.

"oh. do you need a ride? these clubs often go overtime. i'm on the way out now" he told me, and i softly nodded, finally looking up to make eye contact with the man in front of me.

now, i wouldn't normally accept an offer on a ride home with a man i don't know very well. but something about him... im drawn to him. i feel safe with him, like he'd never try to hurt me.

"okay. let's go" he said, leading me to his car. he opened the door for me, helping me in before driving me home.

i pointed to the house, letting him stop the car before opening the door. i got out of the car, leaning down a bit.

"thankyou!" i smiled at him. he smiled back, making me blush a bit before running off.


ezra fitz

she was adorable. she was definitely little as she looked out the window of my car, smiling at me before she ran off to her house.

it's illegal, but she's 18. she dresses differently then all the other girls in her friend group. she's modest and smiles a lot.

i noticed when she's feeling younger, but not in her complete headspace, she tends to have a small blush on her face, more often in my class.

she has a little crush on me, it's hard not to notice. but that's okay.

she sticks her thumb in her mouth whenever she gets little in school, acting like she's chewing on her nail but she's really not.

it gives her comfort. it's sweet. she wears bows in her hair a lot, she's quieter then her friends but she loves the feeling of being in a group.

her favorite color is pink. pink clothes, pink book marks, pink sticky notes. those are the things that i've noticed in class the most.


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