Chapter 11:Disasters comes, but so do the thighs

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Meliodas has once again stepped into the ring, now his opponent a person from his distant past. Cain sat on the other side of the ring, fury on his face.

He heard a conversation between the sins, resulting in him now knowing Meliodas's true identity. Kumagawa watched the scene with an impassive look.

Kumagawa:[Wonder how long it'll take for him to realize it.]

Everyone seemed to be surprised when the old man took off his clock. He wore a night uniform woth the symbol of the fallen kingdom, Danafor.

King:I don't know much about what happens in the human world...But he seems to know the Captain.

Ban:Hey, you two. Don't start praying into his business. The laws of the Eight Deadly Sins, third rule...No Sin will ask questions about another member's sin. Have you forgotten.

Both King and Diane shit up and than looked at Kumagawa. He's probably the only one who knows what's happening right now, having been by Meliodas's side even before the Eight Deadly Sins were formed.

Flames formed in Cain's hand as he brought his arm up. The old man glared at Meliodas.

Cain:If you truly are who you say to be, than you must be prepared to face the consequences. Why...Why did you destroy Danafor!?

A torrent of flames was unleashed upon Meliodas. Unlike previous times magic was used against him, Meliodas choose to let the fire hit him.


King:He took a direct hit!

Ban:How stupid. He's taking all those hits on purpose!

Kumagawa:[Now, settle down. This is a cliche going on right before our eyes.]

Wave after wave of fire made contact with Meliodas. As this outburst of rage continued tears began forming in the old man's eyes.

Cain:Why did you...Kill your comarades! Why...Did you kill Liz...The person most important to you!

Kumagawa stopped paying attention to the fight, a sense of melancholy taking over him. From all of Elizabeth's reincarnations, Liz was without a doubt his favorite.

However, he comes out of that state soon as he heard shouts of concern. An enormous ball of flames was heading towards Meliodas's, but the Sin of Wrath had no worry on his face.

Meliodas:I wanted to protect everyone...But...I couldn't...That is my sin. And that's why I can't fail again!

Meliodas pushes his arm forward, two fingers of his hand raised. As soon as the two fingers made contact, the flames vanished.

Cain:Conuter Vanish. A technique that disperses any magic attack. So it really is you.

Meliodas:I know who you are two, Cain Barzard.

Cain:Oh, so you finally remembered?

Meliodas:Yeah, the moment you used your magic, Blaze. Back then you were calling yourself The Flame Barzard and wore a full plate of armor all the time.

Cain:Ah, did I really?

Meliodas:You sure did. Oh, Kumagawa is here too!

Kumagawa made his way to the front and waved his hand in greeting. Cain's eyes shot up in recognition.

Cain:I see, so you accompanied Meliodas all this time...Thank God you're alive! But you two sure didn't age a day.

Meliodas:I guess so.

Kumagawa:[We have great skin care.]

Announcer:Uh...Um...About the fight...

Cain:It's my loss.

Announcer:Wha...What? Cain admits defeat! The winner of the second fight is Meliodaaaz!

Meliodas:Are you sure?

Cain:Yes. But you sure remained a softie, you haven't reflected any of my attacks.

Meliodas:I mean, I don't know what I'd do if they hit you.

Cain:I haven't gotten that old yet.

Kumagawa:[No, but you sure look that old.]

Cain:Shut up!

Announcer:There are only three left! Meliodaaaz will fight Matrona and then Naked Apron-senpai.

Kumagawa:[Ah, that reminds me. Come here you two.]

Kumagawa slipped between Meliodas and Diane, a hand over each of their backs and began whispering to them. Both of them widened their eyes in surprise.


Meliodas:I see, we have to get this over with quickly.

As both Meliodas and Diane entered the ring, three voices were shouting to encourage Meliodas. Although the flirtarious words and implications were more than mere encouraging, despise none of them being true.

Immediatly after Ban paid the three woman with a grin on his face with Kumagawa giving aplauses of apreciation. As they suspected, Diane didn't take it too well.

Meliodas's had to get a really serious, worrying the former giant girl might actually kill him. A woman's jelousy was really scary.

Much of the crowd was flabbergasted at what the fight had evolved into. But by the looks of it, Kumagawa had found it all very funny from how loud he was laughing.

Kumagawa:[Wack-a-Meliodas! We have to do that when everyone is back together!]

Ban:Oh, I like how you're thinking!

King:You two are hopeless...

Ban:I'm pretty surprised, actually. Whatever happened to Diane and Elizabeth is losing it's effect, but you didn't say anything about the ripped clothes.

Kumagawa:[Hehe, I've got my eyes on a biggee target!]

The crowd began shouting to stop this comedy routine and get to fighting for real. Seeing this commotion, Meliodas realized this was the perfect moment.

Meliodas:Very well, the comedy routine is over. Fools. If they went along with it for a little longer, they would have lived much longer...We're proceeding with the plan. We're taking over this Vyzel Town. Take a good look at this, you scum!

Meliodas's clothes were mostly ripped from his fights, making it easy to show his tatoo. He completed his little act with an arrogant smirk.

Meliodas:My true identity is the captain of the Eight Deadly Sins. The Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas.

The other Sins understood his message. Diane looked down upon the humans, now mostly recovered to her original size, the mark on her thigh showcasimg that she was the Serpent's Sim of Envy.

Ban climbed up to the rimg with powerful stept. His muscles bulked to accentuate the mark on the side of his stomach, the Fox's Sin of Greed.

King floated to the ring and took his adult form. The feet touching the ring made an kmpression, the mark on his ankle giving him away as the Bear's Sin of Sloth.

However, the most striking introduction came only after. The audience froze in fear as a terrifying presence was felt behind them.

Turning around they only saw a shadow with a big white smile who dissapeared just as fast. A sound of rock cracking made the people look once again at the ring.

Now sitting on the side of the ring Kumagawa opened his mouth wide like a hungry beast and stuck his tatooed toungue out, revealing himself as the most dangerous of the Eight Deadly Sins. The Hare's Sin of Melancholy.

Meliodas:Get your sorry asses out of Vyzel in one minure. Or else we, the Eight Deadly Sins, will massacre you all!

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