Chapter 6:Thighs? Now, this is a serious matter!

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The Holy Knight weilding her powerful Explosion Magic, Guila, was known as a calm, collected and confident woman. However, as she has engaged three of the Eight Deadly Sins her emotions raged from interes, to amusement, to confusion, to anger anf finnaly settled into embarassment.

Most of those emotions were directed to the Hare's Sin of Melancholy, who she's beggining to think was twisted up with the Goat's Sin of Lust when tge Eight Deadly Sins were formed...Although she needs to admit he is strong and quiet good with his hands.

Before she could think about the man smug enough to grope the thighs of his opponent in the middle of battle she needed to guard herself with her rapier from a incoming flying spear, but she still send back from the impact even though she managed to avoid being injured. Looking up she saw King floating in the air but before she could move she fekt a force trying to take her weapon out of her hands and saw Ban making a grabbing motion at a few meters from her.

Guila:Fox's Sin Ban, please taje your hand off my rapier.

Ban:What are you talking about, miss? I'm not touching anything.

Guila:Is that so...

Explosions were shot from the tip of her rapier throwing Ban on the ground and provoking him serious injuries while destroying his jacket. She turned to King as Ban regenerated and got up in a slouchie manner.

Guila:I'm dissapointed that you betrayed us, Bear's Sin.

King:I don't remember ever agreeing to be a ally of the Holy Knights.

Guila:So it'll be five against one?

King:No, just one on one.

Guila:...Are you for real?

Meliodas:Good luck, King!

Ban:I'll kill you if you lose!

Kumagawa:[Don't damage her too badly!]


Meliodas:Right, you just arrived. Seems like Kumagawa quiet fancies her?

Ban:Huh? Really?

Meliodas:Yeah. He even gropped her thighs!

Ban:Woah, that seems serious!

King:...I alwais think yours and Gowther's sins were switched up.

Guila's eyebrows twitched when she heard that. So fairies can really read minds.

Guila:Come when yo...

Guila was cut off mid sentence as King's spear flew beside her head, cutting off bangs of her hair and making a cut on her cheek. The spear returned to King after the initial atack.

King:Well, I guess this should be alright. He alwais said he found scars beautiful.

Guila swinged her rapier as she shot explosive balls at King. However, his spear flew in front of him and rotated as it intercepted the balls taking no damage from them. an understatement. Your sacred spear, Chastiefolt. Not only is it made from a strong steel but it also has unique proprieties belonging to the Sacred Tree. And your magic that brings up those proprieties, Disaster.

King:It's much more.

Chastiefolt has flew to atack once again and Guila narrowly dodged by jumping back. The spear flew around in a restless barrage of atacks making Guila run and deflect in despaired attempts while King was calmly directing Chastiefolt with movements of his hand.

As Guila climbed up a giant emerald she pointed her rapier up. A oversized explosive wall was formed at the tip making a strong light.

Guila:Brilliant Detonation!

The Hare's Sin of MelancholyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora