Chapter 10:Now it's an all guest tournament

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Kumagawa sat back, behind Diane and King, with a bucket of popcorn in hand. This should be the most interesting fight yet.

Announcer:Height of 5 feet and weights 110 pounds, Meliodaaaaaaz! Height 6,9 feet, weight 170 pounds, Baaaaaan!

Diane:Capt...I mean Meliodaaaaaaz! Do your beeeest!

King:Ba...Baaan, if you lose here, I'll tell Elain!

Kumagawa:[Oya, you got out the big guns! How surprising, you're not the type to usually get fired up.]

King:Well, if we're already at this point...

Diane:Oh, that's right! You should cheer too, Elizabeth! No one is going to notice you.

Elizabeth had once again emerged from Diane's blossom. She seemed quite flustered, but it was hard to tell if it was because of being put under attention suddenly or because she was currently naked.

Although Kumagawa doesn't think Diane is exactly right. There's the girl with that guy the giantesse had knocked down not long ago that was staring at them for a while, she either knows who they are or is suspicious of them.

Elizabeth:Who do you think is gonna win, Kumagawa-sama?

Kumagawa:[I don't really care, honestly. I just wanna see the blood bath.]

King:There's usually one when either you or Ban are around.

Kumagawa:[Ahahaha! But, if I had to say, this would be a close one. If it was Meliodas-chan's former self, than he'd have this in the bag.]

Elizabeth:Former self?

Kumagawa:[Ah! This is our little secret.]

Kumagawa pressed his fingers against his lips in a shushing motion. Elizabeth isn't sure why she feels like there is an irony here that she just doesn't get.

Kumagawa had to keep himself from laughing out loud. This was far from the first of Elizabeth's reincarnations that he was trolling like that.

Was it immature? Yes. Was he gonna ever stop doing it? No.

Ban and Meliodas were still on opposite sides of the ring. Instead of starting the fight, they were looking around at the crowd.

Meliodas:You know, this reminds me of something from long ago.

Ban:Huh? Something from long ago? What is it?

Meliodas:Don't worry, you'll remember soon.

In a blink of an eye Meliodas moved in front of him and punched him. The punch was so strong that it squashed half of his face and knocked his body back.

As he was thrown back he was close to falling off the ring. While all this was happening he remembers first meeting Meliodas, when the captain beat him out of the prison and complimented him that his resilience is only second to Kumagawa.

Ban:Now I remember!

Before he could fall out he grabbed Meliodas's body with both of himself and dragged his body back on the solid ground of the rimg while trying to smash Meliodascs against the very same ground, his face already healed. However, the Dragon's Sin had already put his feet on either side of his head and used this smash Ban's head against the ground.

While having his head into the rock for a ring Ban grabbed both of Meliodas's legs and threw the young looking man back. He got up, waving his fist around at the same time Meliodas was still in the air.

Ban:Here I cooome!

Ban jumped up and unleashed a fury of punches towards Meliodas. While the hidden demon managed to use his right leg and arm to block them some if the punches still hit him, but made no serious damage.

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