Chapter 9:At least they got the smile right

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After getting over her momental anger Diane explained what happened. After a little adventure in the forest they encountered a mushroom with the special ability of shrinking down those who inhale it's spores.

As a result to that both of them were very small in comparasion to their previous bodies. Diane was now at the height of an average human girl and Elizabeth was about the size of a pinky finger.

Fourtunately for them, Elizabeth's clothes fit the new size of Diane. Elizabeth and Diane decided to just hide Elizabeth between Diane's breasts.

Meliodas:I see, so that's what happened.

Kumagawa:[Although it seems that even with this change, your strenght didn't seem to get altered. You might've been in a pinch if that wasn't the case.]

Diane:Hmph, couldn't resist giving that jerk a punch to the face.

Kumagawa:[Haha, I see. So you wanted to have fun with anyone else. By the way, do you know how much time this change will last?]

Diane:Oh...I didn't think about that.

Kumagawa:[Well, we'll just deal with that if the situation arises.]

Diane:It'd be really embarassing to be here naked, though.

Kumagawa:[Don't worry, I'm sure people would be more concerned about being crushed and running away. Wait, no...There might actually be people who are into that.]

Diane:I didn't want to think about that!

However, Diane manged to get over this depression rather quickly. She instead decided to use this oportunity to flirt with her obvious crush.

Diane:Hey, hey, Captain. Now you can grope me.

Meliodas:Come on, even if you tell me to do it...

Diane:That's not fair! It's alwais Elizabeth! Captain, what am I to you!? What am I...Even when I finally became smaller... Because I'm big...Captain doesn't care about me...

Meliodas pet Diane's head, like sje was a child. Now that Kumagawa thinks about it, when it comes to age every other Sin would be considered a child to him and Meliodas.

Well, except for Merlin. Elizabeth might also be put in that category, but just chronologically.

Meliodas:Come on, there's no way I'd do something like that to someone who's so important to me.

Kumagawa turned away from the scene, looking amused at King who was on the floor with a severe nosebleed. However, he walked into the ring where Howser was waiting to begin the fight.

Kumagawa:[After that it's King, huh? You should be careful. That ome seems tougher than your lost opponent and has a lack of fur.]

King:Won't you stop mentioning that already!

Kumagawa:[No, no, that's impossible. Certainly, that wasn't close to being a good memory from your perspective. But from our perspective...]

Kumagawa was intrerupted by Howser's punch making contact wirh his face. However, to the Holy Knight's surprise his opponent didn't even flinch at his attack and despise his fist still being against his cheek he looked at him calmly as he began to speak again.

Kumagawa:[I was still talking, you know? I understand your excitment for combat. That is a reason a large number of people gathered here today, after all. However, I don't think that's a good reason to get in between the banter of two friends. You're rather rude.]

Howser got over his initial shock and grinned in excitment. He jumped back and prepared his arm for another strike.

Howser:You're a really tough guy! I was serious with that punch just now, but I didn't draw even drop of blood from you. Now that I think about it, I saw you talking with that girl from before. Is she your friend? Sorry if my collegue was condenscensimg earlier.

Around Howser's fist wind began to circulate at a fast rate. It quickly formed into a smal tornado about his size.

Kumagawa:[I see, so that's your magic.]

Howser:Unlike Griamoire, I didn't want to use my powers on ordinary people...But you certainly aren't ordinary. That means I can really enjoy this fight!

Howser launched his fist forward and the wind followed. However, Kumagawa caught his fist in his hand, unaffected by the force of his spell.


His hold began to tighten and Howser increased his wind to push Kumagawa away. The Holy Knight's face twisted in pain as several cracking noises were heard.

Howser's body was spinned in the air as he was thrown out of the right. He smashed through many bolders and finally his back hit a bigger one, stopping his course.

His body was bleeding and he groaned in pain. However, he still smiled happily after that.

Howser:Man, I really didn't expect that! Is that what you call irony? Ah, it was a nice fight.

He jumped off the cratter he made in the bolder and began to walk back. On his way back he saw Griamoire being comforted by a girl.

The girl had purple hair and brown eyes. Her name was Veronica Liones.

 Her name was Veronica Liones

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Howser:Yo, Griamoire!

Griamoire:Howser, so you too...

Howser:Yeah, that guy was really strong! I think he broke some of my bones, though. My hand really hurts.

Veronica:Howser, there's something you should know...

Kumagawa walked down and came back to his group. Kimg gave a sigh after what happened.

King:Poor guy, I really feel sorry for him.

Diane:You know, bullying kids is really not cool.

Kumagawa:[Hey, hey, don't be persecutive. I just wanted to see what kind of friends Gil-chan made. He's a bit rude, but he's a good kid. Still, I admit I rocked hik like a hurricane.]

That line had gained him dedapans from the majority of his fellow Sins. Ban actually laughed at his joke and Elizabeth, who was still hidden between Diane's breasts, was just confused.

Meliodas:You ended the fight so fast just because you wanted to say that, didn't you?

Kumagawa:[I will not admit nor deny that.]

Howser was shocked by the news he got. No, pehaps shocked wasn't the right word.

Howser:So that little guy really is the captain of the Eight Deadly Sins! How about the others?

Griamoire:We don't know, we're only sure about Meliodas.

He might've really fought one of the Sins. That would explain why that guy didn't even look like he was trying.

Howser:But which one?

Wait, there was a portrait that was obscuring to say the least out of all the portraits of the Eight Deadly Sins. The Hare Sin of Melancholy.

Howser:Well, he didn't sto smiling, so...

Veronica:Listen Howser, don't you dare start a ruckus! At least not until we find Ellie!

Howser:Damn, I gotta go back!

Griamoire:Hey, were you listening!?

Howser:I understand! And if you two make a ruckus I won't let you off the hook for ruining this festival!


Howser:I got to see the strenght of those legendary criminals up close and personal!

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