Lost & Found (Finale)

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Gianna's House

While Derek and Gianna were still chatting, the sound of voices calling for Derek echo throughout the forest. "What was that?" Asked Gianna. "Somebody's yelling my name. Wait, I know those voices!" Said Derek excitedly. "You do?" Gianna asked. "Yeah, my family has come for me!" Derek said.


"Derek!! Derek!!! Bro, where are you?" Called Amanda as she had her hands cupped over her mouth. "Amanda, look! I see a cottage!" Said Paul. "Do you think anybody lives there?" Amanda asked. "Only one way to find out." Paul said.

The two approach the cottage as Amanda knocks on the door. Gianna answers it a minute later. "Yes? Can I help you?" She asked. "Hi there, my name is Princess Amanda Swan of Chamberg. I'm looking for my brother in-law, King Derek." Said Amanda. "Well, Your Highness, you'll be happy to know you've come to the right place." Said Gianna.

Amanda smiles as the young woman lets her in. "Derek?" Amanda said. "Amanda!" Derek said excitedly. The young swan princess approaches her brother in-law, but stops short when she sees the bandage on his shoulder. "Geez, what happened?" Asked Amanda with a cringe. "I'll explain later. Right now, let's go home." Said Derek.

Gianna approaches the two. "Thank you for looking after him. Uh... what was your name?" Amanda asked. "Gianna, Your Highness." Gianna said. "Thank you, Gianna. And Amanda's fine." Said Amanda. "You're welcome, Amanda. Goodbye, Derek, I'll never forget you." Said Gianna. "Thanks for everything, Gianna. You take care of yourself now." Derek said.

The kindly nurse slash huntress nods, then hesitantly moves in to hug the king. "Sorry, may I?" Gianna asked. "Go ahead, I don't mind." Said Derek. With a smile, Gianna hugs her new friend while being careful not to touch his shoulder wound at the same time.

Derek catches up with Amanda as the two exit Gianna's cottage. Paul is still waiting for them outside. "There you are, Derek! What happened to your shoulder?" He asked. "The wolf bit me while I was trying to fight it off, but then I passed out. That is until I heard a gunshot go off, which turned out to be Gianna, the girl who looked after me. She killed the wolf and brought me here while I was unconscious." Derek said. "She did a pretty good job tending your wound." Amanda said.

"Think you can get rid of it entirely with a touch of your magic?" Asked Derek. "Sure thing, bro." Said Amanda. She gently places her hand on Derek's shoulder as she works her healing powers. A minute later, the magical process ends. Derek removes the bandage and sees that his wound has disappeared completely. "That's better, thank you." He said.

Now that her brother in-law's shoulder is wound free, Amanda traps Derek into a tight hug. "We thought something happened to you!" Amanda said. "I'm still in one piece, that's what matters most." Derek said. Once the embrace broke up, Paul then hugs his co-brother in-law for a moment.

"All that's left is to get Alex and Odette to where we are so they know we found you." Said Paul. "I got this, boys." Said Amanda. She uses her siren song to alert the other girls.


"Alex, do you hear that?" Asked Odette. "Yeah, it's Amanda's siren voice. She and Paul must've found Derek, come on!" Said Alex. The girls follow the siren song until they reach where Paul, Amanda, and Derek are waiting for them.

Odette smiles at the sight of her husband and the two embrace. "Now that we're all back together, let's start making our way home." Amanda said. "Good thing we found a good bunch of winter roses before that whole fiasco with the wolf got in the way." Alex said.

With that, the four royals and Alex make their way out of the woods. While Derek and Odette take the winter roses back to Chamberg, he tells her the story of the girl who looked after him when they got separated, and Amanda tells Alex the same thing as they and Paul go back to the apartment.

As for Gianna, though she knows she'll never see Derek again, she was glad to consider him a friend as she cared for him after being attacked by the wolf.

The End

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