The group stopped as the girls looked at Percy. Alora reached out and fastened the buckle of his armour while Annabeth spoke.

"You still don't know where you fit into all this, do you?" She asked and the boy stayed silent, showing he did not.

"Look you can't make the gods claim you," Alora told him, knowing he would be claimed that day anyway if everything went to plan. "They choose what to do in their own time."

"How long did it take for you to be claimed?" Percy asked.

"I was claimed the day i got here," she paused for a moment, "but my dad isn't like yours, or anyone else here."

Then the conch shell blew for the second time. "Game on."

Annabeth placed her hat on her head, becoming invisible, while Alora shape-shifted into a small robin.

"Wait, what?" Percy looked in confusion. Annabeth removed the hat becoming visible again as Alora shape-shifted back to herself.

"Gift from my mom." Annabeth explained holding out her hat.

"Gift from my dad." Alora added, tilting her head as she thought, "just not physical."

She looked at the boy smiling as he looked back at her in shock.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." Annabeth reassured him.

"Do great?" He asked as the girls repeated what they had just done. "Do what great?"

Percy looked around and threw his hands up in frustration. He assumed the girls left, not knowing they were still there watching him.

First he did something Alora assumed was meant to be a dance move, before leaving to go pee which neither of the girls wanted to watch and he then found a newt resting on a log that was more than happy to let him pet it.

Lastly he lay down on a log, closing his eyes peacefully waiting for the game to end. Clarisse and her friends had other plans though as they approached the boy. Hearing the footsteps he became aware of someone else's presence and looked at Clarisse in fear.

"Flag's that way." He pointed in the opposite direction. "It's not here."

"We know." Clarisse spoke and nodded. "Yeah, glory's fine. Revenge is more fun."

She slammed the end of her spear on the ground as the tip of it crackled with electricity. As much as Alora wanted to step in and protect the boy she knew this had to happen, he had to do this alone.

Percy reached for his shield and sword in fear as Clarisse and her goons advanced in on him.

"No maiming." He reminded her, his voice shaking slightly. "It's like the one rule."

"Yeah, I guess i'll lose dessert privileges for a while." Clarisse looked up at her spear before looking straight at the boy. "I'll live."

She charged at the boy, swinging her spear at him which he swiftly dodged before it hit his shield. He fell slightly, looking at the people surrounding him before standing up straight again. The three around him all started to attack him at once, him being able to block most of their hits apart from one which sliced his arm.

When he was distracted, checking the injury, Clarisse swung her spear at him and knocked him over.

"I'm actually not interested in maiming or killing you, believe it or not." She said looking down at him. "I just want you to admit you're a fraud. It'd make me feel better. Are you feeling up to that yet?"

Percy quickly stood up and ran the other direction.

"Guess that's a no." Clarisse spoke as the three chased after him. Alora flew above them, observing them.

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now