Overwhelmed by embarrassment, Dahyun rose from her seat, seeking permission from the others to excuse herself for a moment. With nods of approval, she gracefully departed, attempting to mask the lingering awkwardness with a façade of calm composure.

Her exit, however, belied the storm of emotions within. She moved briskly towards the restroom. Despite her outward composure, her internal world seemed to tremble.

Upon reaching the restroom, her composed facade shattered. Leaning on the sink for support, her knees gave way to a flood of mixed emotions. It was as if the embarrassment, confusion, and the relentless pounding of her heart had conspired to rob her of stability. Her hands gripping the sink edge were the only tether preventing her from collapsing to the floor, as her knees wobbled uncontrollably. The intensity of her inner turmoil was
too strong, as if her heart threatened to break free from its confines.

"Why does he react this way? I deliberately did everything he despises, yet it only seems to draw more attention from him," Dahyun mumbled to herself. As she attempted to regain her composure, standing up and straightening her posture, a swirl of conflicting thoughts consumed her.

The reflection in the restroom mirror became an unintended confidant as she continued to vocalize her inner turmoil. "No makeup, dressed in black – all the things he dislikes. I spoke more than I should have during Halmeoni Kim's explanation of the pact. Yet, it's as if the more I defy his preferences, the more he fixates on me. What am I supposed to do?" she pondered, her eyes searching for answers in her own reflection.

Leaning against the restroom wall, her contemplation deepened. "Why is he acting like this? From volunteering to drive me home after the dinner with the Jeons to letting me sit beside him in the car, and now, showering me with more attention than he should," she grumbled, the frustration evident in her voice. The culmination of confusion and unexpected focus from Taehyung led her to lightly bump her head against the cool, tiled wall.

A revelation flickered across Dahyun's face as she suddenly adjusted her posture, a hopeful notion taking root in her mind. "Maybe that's it! Perhaps those intense stares are because I've done and embodied everything he detests! And that he's already murdering me inside his head," she exclaimed with an attempt at cheerfulness. However, the forced enthusiasm couldn't mask the tiny pang resonating within her chest.

Was it disappointment that lurked beneath the facade?


Midway through her contemplation, Dahyun was jolted from her thoughts by Jungkook's voice calling out. "Dah, are you there?" The resonance of his inquiry echoed within the restroom, pulling her back to the present.

Dahyun moistened her lips, a subconscious preparation for what lay ahead, and ran her fingers through her hair, a quiet attempt to regain a semblance of composure. With a determined exhale, she set forth, each step carrying a weight of resolve as she walked towards the door where Jungkook was waiting for her.

Jungkook's concern was evident as he observed Dahyun's disheveled state, her cheeks adorned with a blush akin to the vibrant hue of bougainvillea. "Are you good?" As he inquired about her well-being, his eyes searched for an explanation, wondering why she had hastily sought refuge in the restroom rather than meeting him outside.

Dahyun's fingers instinctively ran through her hair, an attempt to restore some semblance of order.

Yes, Jungkook had waited patiently for more than two minutes, assuming they were to meet outside. Unbeknownst to him, Dahyun had initially intended to leave the restaurant promptly, a plan that had been disrupted by the chaotic internal struggle she found herself entangled in. Aware that she couldn't approach Jungkook without addressing the turmoil within, she steeled herself to share the unforeseen madness that had unfolded during her brief retreat.

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