Chapter Thirteen, The Truth

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The meeting the next day goes rather quietly. The local lords have learned their lesson and did not try to cross me. Not that many matters that concerned me were discussed, that meeting was devoted mostly to foreign policy and deplomacy so I remained an audience member for most of the time.

When the meeting ended, Talia Halis is the Sahirani ambassador approached me this time adorned in a beautiful deep purple ensemble. We conversed for some time and she offered her wisdom regarding the advisory political establishment that we were trying to build for the common people.

"Slow steps. That's my best advice." She had said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

She let out a breath. "We humans are not easily adaptable. If you try to force them into a complete new way of governing all at once they are going to revolt. My point is take it small steps at a time. Give your new... what are you going to call it?"

"Vouli I was thinking." An ancient word meaning choice or decision.

A faint smiled brightened her face. "We'll have it accomplish small tasks at first and gradually increase their significance."

I could see her point and I had to admit she was right. "Thank your madam. I greatly appreciate it." She gave me a small, approving nod and was escorted towards her chambers by her personal guard, making our ways part.

I went into my room and changed into a more comfortable linen skirt with a matching blouse and went straight to the library. I perused the shelves for a little while until I found the book I had been looking for.

"The Fae of the Fae Forest"

I took it into my arms and sat down on a wooden table close by. It was a rather small book which was to be expected- not a lot was known about the Fae, which is logical since a lot of people firmly believed they didn't exist. That they were simply stories. I believed so as well until recently but after my encounter with the Princess in the forest my suspicions on the stories having some kind of truth behind them is growing rapidly.

Leahthia had told me to call her if I ever needed any help, that she was helping an old friend. But if I wanted to call her I'd need to know how to call her. And I had many questions I needed her answers to. To be honest I didn't know if she would have any answers but she was the best shot I had.

At first I needed to know why the necklaces glowed- a habit they'd started very recently. What caused it? Could I stop it? Then who is the friend she was supposed to be helping through helping me? And I was sure many more questions would be born through the conversation with her.

The book started on basic features of the fae and how to distinguish them from humans. They had pointy ears, exceptionally long limps and striking beauty. The book said that they frequented the deeper parts of the Fae Forest and usually didn't approach humans. If they did, do not be afraid just make sure you never reveal your true name to them. I spent the whole afternoon reading, and then rereading the book but found no mentions of how to call the fae.

I supposed it wasn't what the average person would want you to do.

I let my head fall on top of the open book in frustration. Too much useless information was swimming inside my head, making it ache.

"I would recommend a lighter novel next time." I voice tells me from the opposite side of the table. My eyes dart up to see Olea's familiar face and I smile.

"What makes you think I was reading a novel?" I ask her.

"Oh I know you you're a sucker for a good love story" She wasn't wrong of course. I indeed love romance novels but she was mistaken on her guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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