⁑⁕⁑New jeans for a birthday

Start from the beginning

In the kitchen, seven people were perfecting the surprise for the birthday girl. They prepared a lot, like the balloons on the wall spelling "Happy Birthday Nari", and the flower bouquet on the table next to Nari's favourite chocolate cake, decorated with hearts and with the big red number "21" in the middle. 

As the birthday girl neared the room she could hear hushed whispers of familiar voices, making her even more curious, but she didn't register them until she arrived at the scene. She was shocked, to say the least, she couldn't believe that she saw the girls, who she considered closest to her, standing in her house with a cake in hand, that now sported a freshly lit candle too.

As the girls were singing the birthday song in harmony with her father, who had an oddly great voice, her mom recorded how her face went from shock to happiness, and then to holding back tears of joy. 

"Nari! Happy birthday!" Minji exclaimed, holding out the cake for her."What... how did you all... What is happening?" Nari was still processing the surprise.

 "We thought we'd surprise you for your birthday! You didn't expect this, did you?" Hanni chimed in.

Danielle grinned, "Your face is priceless right now!"

Haerin added, "Come on, blow the candle and make a wish!"Hyein, jumped up and down excitedly, "We planned this for weeks!"

Nari couldn't help but smile, touched by the effort her friends had put into making her birthday special. "I... I didn't expect this at all. Thank you, guys."

As she blew the candle out she couldn't help but wish that moments like this wold last forever, that she could spend her life like this, happily with her friends and family. Nari hugged each of her friends, feeling a warmth that she hadn't experienced in a while.

Minji spoke up, "We know you've been working hard, and we wanted to remind you that you're not alone. We miss spending time with you, so we decided to crash your midnight stargazing." "You guys... I don't know what to say."

Danielle winked, "Just say you love the surprise, and let's enjoy the night!"

They spent the next few hours talking, laughing, and sharing stories. Nari felt a sense of belonging that she hadn't felt in a long time. The girls updated her on their lives, and Nari realized how much she had missed these moments.

As the night progressed, the living room turned into a haven of laughter and warmth. The girls continued to share stories, memories, and plans for the future. With the cake now cut and the sweet aroma of chocolate lingering in the air, the atmosphere became even more festive.

Hyein, her eyes sparkling with excitement, exclaimed, "Unnie, did you see the fan project for your birthday? It's trending worldwide on social media!"

Nari, touched by the gesture, couldn't help but smile. "Really? I had no idea. You guys managed to keep this whole thing a secret from me. Impressive!"

Minji grinned mischievously, "We had to practice our stealth skills for this surprise mission. And thanks to Haerin's amazing planning, we didn't leave a single clue behind."

Haerin modestly waved it off, "It's all for our unnie's happiness."

Danielle, holding a plate of cake slices, teased, "Now, let's dig into this masterpiece. I've been eyeing it since we got here."

They gathered around the table, each holding a slice of cake, and Nari raised her cup in a toast. "To unexpected surprises and the best friends a girl could ask for!"

They clinked their cups together, and laughter filled the room once again.

Hyein, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, suddenly asked, "Unnie, do you have any recent embarrassing stories? Spill the tea!"Nari chuckled, thinking back to her latest performances. "Oh, there are plenty! Like the time I tripped on stage during a live performance."Minji laughed, "I remember seeing it on SNS! It went viral. You recovered like a pro, though."

Hanni added, "Remember when back in the days at that one fan meeting where we accidentally wore matching outfits and didn't realize until we saw the photos."

Danielle joined in, "And who can forget the endless hours of practice for 'Attention'? We were all so determined to get the choreography perfect. I'm convinced unnie lost her mind in one practice session, she acted like she was drunk on the air, it was hilarious."

As they talked about the highs and lows of their idol journey, the room echoed with laughter and camaraderie. The stories flowed naturally, each memory evoking smiles and shared understanding.

Amidst the cheerful chaos, Nari's phone buzzed with a flood of birthday wishes from fans. She scrolled through the messages, feeling grateful for the love and support she had received throughout her career.

Haerin, noticing Nari's thoughtful expression, nudged her gently, "What's on your mind, unnie?" "I guess I've been so caught up in work lately that I forgot how much I miss moments like these. Just being with friends, laughing, and enjoying the simple pleasures."

Minji put an arm around Nari, "Well, consider this a reminder, unnie. We're always here for you, no matter how busy life gets."

The night continued with more laughter, games, and shared stories, creating a birthday celebration that Nari would cherish for years to come. In that cozy living room, surrounded by the friends who had surprised her with genuine love and camaraderie, Nari felt a renewed sense of belonging and a reminder of the importance of taking a moment to enjoy the present.

Amidst the joyous conversations, Hyein suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, I almost forgot! We brought gifts!"Nari's eyes widened. "Gifts? You really didn't have to!"

But Haerin handed her a beautifully wrapped box. "Open it! It's from all of us."

Nari carefully unwrapped the present to find a scrapbook filled with memories of their time together, from trainee days until their latest hangout, along with heartfelt messages from each member. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Minji grinned, "We wanted you to have something to remind you of the good times."

Nari hugged the scrapbook tightly, feeling a mix of emotions. "Thank you, all of you. This means more to me than you can imagine."

The night continued with laughter, shared memories, and a feeling of rekindled friendship. As the hours passed, Nari realized that her quarter-life crisis might just be a phase, and with friends like these, she could navigate through it.

 As the hours passed, Nari realized that her quarter-life crisis might just be a phase, and with friends like these, she could navigate through it

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Nari x NewJeans >>>

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Have a lovely day!<333

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