In love with Mr.Perfect 👨‍💼-2

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My name is Abhinav.....Abhinav Sharma Rathod...the ASR and this is my story

I never wanted to experienceor see this day in my life

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I never wanted to experience
or see this day in my life..

I never wanted to experienceor see this day in my life

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..but it came today.

The reason for it is my love story.

Every love story has some problem.

But the problem in
my love story is.. Me.

Because I have OCD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

If you do an in-depth study,there are many types in it

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If you do an in-depth study,
there are many types in it..
..but the one I had was
over cleanliness and neatness.
Doing things repetitively
and scrubbing things repetitively..
..overly reacting to
trivial and petty things.

We usually call such
people fastidious.But it is not fastidiousness,
it is actually an illness.

And if we add my love
story to this illness..which I always thought as my greatest strength and qualification...

What if??( the Sharma's edition)(slow updates)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt