Karma is a bitch-2

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In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Akshara's initial shock upon seeing Abhinav again had given way to a storm of longing, confusion, and hope. It had only been a month since his sudden disappearance, and everyone, including Akshara, had feared the worst. The mere thought that he might have met with an untimely demise had left her with a void that she had learned to carry, but now, seeing her husband before her, all those dormant emotions had surged back to the surface. With an urgency she couldn't suppress, she ran towards him, her heart pounding in her chest like a frantic bird trapped in a cage of anticipation.

Her trembling fingers instinctively reached out, and she gently cupped Abhinav's face. Her touch was a combination of tenderness and an attempt to anchor herself in this surreal moment. As she looked deep into his eyes, it was as though the floodgates holding back her emotions had finally given way. She conveyed a silent plea for understanding, a longing that had been pent up for what had felt like an eternity, despite the relatively short duration of his absence.

However, instead of the warm embrace she had anticipated, Abhinav reacted with an abrupt jerk, his features contorted with surprise and anger. The revelation that everyone had thought him dead, combined with the whirlwind of emotions that had enveloped him during his short disappearance, had left him in a state of turmoil and this marriage he literally felt betrayed . "What the hell is happening here, Akshara?" he demanded, his voice heavy with bitterness. The initial shock of her presence had given way to a whirlwind of confusion and frustration.

Amidst the turmoil, their son Abhir, who had been a silent observer up to this point, finally found his voice

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Amidst the turmoil, their son Abhir, who had been a silent observer up to this point, finally found his voice. "Papa," he stammered, his eyes wide with a desperate plea for recognition.

Abhinav, still taken aback by Abhir's presence, took a step back, his gaze shifting between Akshara and their son. A profound hatred and resentment seemed to simmer beneath the surface as he demanded yet again, "What is happening here?"

Akshara, now engulfed in a maelstrom of emotions, began to fire off questions with rapid intensity, her voice a combination of relief and confusion. "What happened to you? Why did you not come before? Why did you stay away for so long?" The questions poured out of her in a desperate need for answers, as if she believed that only by filling in these gaps could she begin to comprehend the profound void their separation had left.

Abhinav, struggling to contain his escalating frustration, retorted, "You didn't answer me anything. What is happening here?" Each passing moment seemed to test his patience further, and the bitterness in his voice grew more pronounced.

As the room was enveloped in a thick silence, Akshara fell into a heavy contemplation. Her thoughts raced as she grappled with finding the right words to bridge the chasm that had abruptly emerged between them. Her gaze shifted to Abhir, who stood beside her, equally at a loss for words in the face of the unfolding emotional hurricane.

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