"The Angel's Promise: Rebirth and Redemption"-V

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Ps: here abhinav's english and talking style will be like rocky in kgf style because he has both abhinash(pro in English plus attitude)and abhinav( not soo good in English)skills together...soo try to imagine in that way

As  boy trio got into their car and their men dragged  a crying dogman i mean abhimanyu and throwed him in other car trunk with a thud which shocked Akshara and they made her sit into the backseat....they are treating her softly after knowing she is carrying their mini boss but gave hate looks for trying to abort their mini boss to which Akshara bowed her head down in shame.

they are treating her softly after knowing she is carrying their mini boss but gave hate looks for trying to abort their mini boss to which Akshara bowed her head down in shame

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(Ignore that other person)

Abhinav, after entering into his car, he immediately turned towards Aryan and gave him a look, to which Aryan understood it and immediately told, "Mark, please be outside, I want to talk to bhaiya". Mark said "ok "and stood outside the car. Aryan turned towards Abhinav and said, "What bhaiya? "Abhinav then said, "Look Aryan, I really consider you as my brother now. So, please tell me what's in your mind. I have seen you looking longingly towards that bloody Birla and Akshara". Aryan was overwhelmed with emotions and immediately hugged Abhinav  cried

 Aryan was overwhelmed with emotions and immediately hugged Abhinav  cried

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and said, "I'm sorry bhaiya, I'm really sorry. For a second, I really felt weak, overwhelmed with past emotions. Yes, I felt soft for some times, but when I looked at them and you, then I realized what they have done to me and to you. Yes, they didn't do much wrong to me, but what they have done with you and your family and for my child and my wife, I'm not going to forgive them for that. Please bhaiya, please trust me." Abhinav patted his back and said, "I trust you now Aryan, please don't break it. And keep that in mind, if you break it first, you know right, this is your second chance. If you do the past mistake again, trying to hurt your loved ones, what our angel ji said".

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What if??( the Sharma's edition)(slow updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora