Control (Ashley's Route)

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Hey guys!! Sorry, I didn't realize that Ashley's route didn't publish! My bad!!


After tearing your head apart to decide, you made up your mind as you proceeded to stand next to Ashley and face her brother.

"Are you sure you can go on your own Andrew? I don't feel safe leaving Ashley all by herself..." You admitted, as skinny as he was, Andrew was still a pretty tough guy who could hold off on his own if he needed to. Ashley on the other hand, like it or not was still a frail little lady just like yourself. It's better to stick together.

Andrew smiled and he placed a hand on both of you "I'll be quick. While I'm gone look out for each other. Alright?" He asked as he gave you a quick peck on the lips and squeezed Ashley's shoulder.

After that he walked off, heading towards the same direction the cultist look-alike took. Once he was away from view, Ashley latched herself on you with a tight grip.

"Thank you, thank you!! I reallllllly didn't want to be here all by myself!" She admitted even though she had asked you to go with her brother. Just as you expected, deep down she didn't want you to go, she wanted you to stay right by her side.

As much as you wanted to see what the cultist was up to, you couldn't complain as you had the best company with you after all.

"Hehee, don't mention it. You didn't think I was going to leave you out here alone in the cold with a killer on the loose, did you?"

"Honestly, for a minute I thought you were!"

"Ouch, you offend me! I would never! And to prove I'm on your side, let's buy that soda Andrew refused you earlier!"

You laughed at her remarks as you snaked your fingers around her hand. You pulled her along with you over back to the motel, specifically were the vending machine was.

You were alert in case the killer decided to show up then and there, but thankfully that didn't seem to be the case as you put in a dollar in the machine and pressed the buttons to free the limited edition caramelized apple and cinnamon beverage.

You handed Ashley the drink and walked back to your designated hiding spot.

"Yeeeeesss!! Thank you!! Let's try some right now!!" She excitedly cheered as she didn't waste another second to open the can containing the toxic liquid and took a sip.

Judging by her gnarly expression soon after, you figured that the taste wasn't so great...

"Soo...How is it?" You asked, knowing full well that she was either going to tell you it tasted like shit, no where near her expectations, or that you can have the rest, proving the first option to be true but without hurting your feelings for making you buy it in the first place.

"....You can have the rest!"  Just as you guess, it really is shit.

"So, it really is that bad huh?" You snickered, earning her adorable laughs in return.

"HAHAHA!! It tastes like what nail polish smells like!"

"Ew, gross...Is it even safe to drink this then?" You asked as you took the can from her hands and proceeded to take a sip as well. One chemical burn to the tongue later, you agreed, this stuff tastes like what you'd imagine nail polish would taste like. Utterly disgusting.

"Yikes...What a waste!" You admitted as Ashley snatched the can back from you.

"No at all! My curiosity is seated! I'm also really pleased with this act of kindness from you~" She said as she took another sip of the soda, her eyebrows furring together at the awful taste.

"Ugh, that's nasty..."

"You don't have to finish it, you know. Just throw it out!" You told her as you tried to take the poison filled can away, to which she held close to her chest, refusing to let you even touch it.

"Never! It was a gift!"  

You let out a sigh in defeat figuring that you were never going to convince her otherwise as you allowed her to finish the awful atrocity. Slowly but surely she gulped down the entire can, rising her hands in victory as she threw the garbage away, never planning to cross paths with it ever again. 

You both chatted and giggled for a while, trying to make light of the situation as the waiting was becoming almost eternal. Andrew hasn't come back yet and the killer was no where to be seen. 
You began to feel impatient and cold as you practically begged Ashley to give you back your smoking privileges. Which obviously got denied.

"Seriously, Y/n! You and Andrew need to lay off the smokes! At this rate, you'll both die from cancer before we get our shit together!"

Ashley whined while pushing you away from her as you desperately tried to reach for your pack of smokes that were being held captive in her back pocket.

"Awwghh! It freezing out here! How else do you expect me to warm up dude?!"
 After hearing that, Ashley instantly stopped struggling with you as the corners of her mouth shifted upwards into a sinful grin. An idea had popped in that strange head of hers.

"I got an idea to keep us warm, Y/n~" She teased as she played with the loose strands from your hair, it was her innocent way to seduce you even closer to her. Without warning she took ahold of your nape and pulled you in with insane force for a rough kiss.
Though shocked from the sudden action, you quickly found yourself melting in her arms as you enjoyed the harsh movements of her lips.

The revolting taste of the soda still lingered in her mouth but it didn't matter to you, rather it helped feeling even the more intoxicated by her touch as you craved every inch of her being.

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