Tension in the Graves

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"Sheesh, I thought we got caught there..."

Leyley babbled out bluntly, she was still a bit stunned from the scene she witnessed, but now wasn't the time to be a jealous bitch and go on scolding her brother. After all, he did save your guy's life, he deserved that kiss from you...even though he stole it...

"You did." Andrew answered her, not too happy about what he was forced to do.
"Well, it happens to the best of us..." You muttered, attempting to tone down the newly found tension that was beginning to build between the Graves siblings.

The three of you walked over to stare down at the fresh body lying before you. The warden was in fact, very dead. You crouched down and began searching his pockets, looking for anything useful to get the hell out of here once and for all.

There's no way you can stay here now after committing murder, and like hell you're going to let the fuzz take Andrew into custody...you can't say it was self-defense either, there is no other option left, you three have to disappear.
"Well, you've done it now, Andy. You've actually killed a man. Like...directly." You hear Leyley speak up.


"I was a little surprised there, haha! So, where's your mental breakdown?"

"I'm saving it for later. Lay off."

Indeed, how the hell are they both so fucking serene at a time like this?! They are fucking psychotic! ....though it does make you a hypocrite...You're literally in the process of desecrating a corpse for you're own benefits, as if it weren't a dead body to begin with considering how calm you are. You're just as psychotic as they are.  

The warden didn't have anything fancy on him aside from a now empty pack of cigarettes as you snatched the very last one in there, you need it. And the key to room 405!

You got back up, tossing to key to Leyley and made your over to the stove to light the cigarette and took a long swig, letting all the stress and anxiety that has been building up dissipate along with the smoke.
Andrew stole the cancer stick from your mouth and proceeded to do the same, to ease his tense body.

"You know that stuff will kill you guys, right?!" Ley was about to start scolding, however Andrew shot her a nasty glare... he was not in the mood to put up with her. Thankfully, the message was loud and clear as she didn't say anything else. You decided that he could keep the cigarette since he clearly needs it more than you do.

You and Leyley went to the front door and she started to unlock it. But before she could open the door completely, Andrew was already behind the two of you, and he shut the door back closed.
You both turned around to look at him with confused gazes. You could sense an ominous aura emanating from the tired raven head, it intimidated you... in any other situation you'd think he'd look hot...but right now he was sending shivers down your spine, and not the good kind.

"Before we go..." He muttered while taking another drag at the cigarette and blowing the smoke at your faces. The action upset Ley as she pushed him away, coughing the smoke while doing so. You put your hand on her back to soothe her coughing, not once taking your eye off of her brother. 

"I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page about something..." He started off as he took a final swig at the cigarette and threw it on the floor, stepping it rather harshly.

"Whatever excuse we had for eating that other guy, just went out the window because of your guys screw-up." 

Although he was being a bitch about it, its true. Cannibalism and murder? The cops weren't going to let that slide, no matter the circumstances.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did WE ask you to kill him?!" Ley spat back to his face, not hiding the fact that she was upset at him as well.

"What do you think was going to happen if I hadn't!?"

"Look, we're not saying we aren't grateful, Andrew. We are. And thank you for saving us. But where is this sour attitude coming from?"

You asked as calmly as you can, you have to make sure that their argument doesn't escalate anymore because who knows what these two are capable of...You know one is capable of murder now...so its best to keep them at bay.

"...I'm sorry, okay? But my point is that no matter what happens beyond this door, the two of you won't speak a word of what went down here..To Anyone." 

...It sounded more like a threat than a request...

"Hey, you can trust us. We're in this together okay? So relax dude." You smiled as you tried to ignored the ominous tone he had in his voice, you answered what he wanted to hear to keep him at ease.

"....Yeah? Obviously."

"Obviously. And it'll no doubt be obvious we did something once this guy's shift ends and the next warden comes looking around. It's best we disappear while we can."

Thankfully Andrew seemed more calm than how he was just a few minutes ago. That's good, time to keep it this way.

"Well, as you might have noticed, we're TRYING." Ley said almost sarcastically, completely pushing back his calmness to square one. You mentally face-palmed, expecting the worse...here we go...

"Yeah see? Y/n gets it, but I'm not sure you're grasping the gravity of our situation here...Knowing you, you think you're going to find mom and dad. But I'm saying all of that is off the table."

"He has a point Ley, it's too risky. We are the only ones we can trust from here on out. It's too late to turn back now."

"....I hadn't planned on anything yet, actually..." Leyley confessed ever so sheepishly, it was so adorable. Though Andrew didn't seem to think so.

"God! That's Even Worse!"

"I--Okay, so you want me to never contact anyone I know ever again? Because you think they'll snitch on us to the authorities? Is that it?"


"Yeah? Fine. Whatever."

A Coffin Of Three. ( Andy x Fem!Reader X Leyley )Where stories live. Discover now