𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

Start from the beginning

He sighed as they shifted into the mansion. He brought her downstairs too Dr. Smileys office and placed her on a bed, separate from the other three. He listened as the dead's bones snapped back into place and their wounds healed themselves. Her began to do the same as well. As he looked down upon her, watching her heal, he noticed something around her neck.

Through the mixed blood of the others and her own melted and dried around her neck a sliver shimmer shown through. She had a necklace, most likely handmade, with a tiny silver kitchen knife around her neck.

Before he could stop himself he reached out and took it. He stared at it and wiped the blood away with his thumb. Masky gave out a huff and shoved it in his pocket. He couldn't tell you why he did it, but he did. He trailed behind Hoodie and they made their way out of the make shift hospital.


Masky walked through the door of the bathroom on the Proxy floor. He locked the door and turned too the sink, turning on the faucet. He took of his jacket and pulled out the necklace, running it under the warm water.

As the water flowed over it the blood washed away and the necklace itself began too really shine. He let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

'Where the hell did she get a trinket like this?'


You wake up with a slight headache. When you turn to look around you immediately recognize the room as the one you had woken up in the other day. Memories came flooding back.

'Did... did I pass?'

You spotted a note next to a pill bottle and a glass of water on the small table beside you.

The note read: 'Take this medication for your headache, though it shouldn't last too long. Slenderman wants too see you in his office. He doesn't like too wait.'

You sighed and took the water and a couple of pills out of the bottle. It was just ibuprofen so you took two more, and swallowed all four using the water too wash it down.

You left the bottle and grabbed the note, stuffing it in your pants pocket. You made your way out of the office and let your hair down as you continued too walk through the living room and up the stairs.

At the great oak door near the top of the building you went too knock. And before you could, a voice rang through your head.

"You may enter, child."

You swallowed and walked through the door, softly shutting it behind you. Immediately you notice Masky, Hoodie, and Toby standing on your side of the desk.

You made your way over and stood in silence, waiting for a response.

"Y/N you have passed the first trial. I will now tell you of the next two trials you will need to complete to join my family."

You let out a sigh of relief.

"For your second trial, you will go on night patrol with a Proxy of my choice. That will take place tonight. The third will be more difficult."

You then stood straight again, all thoughts of relaxation, gone.

"You will be given a file tomorrow, in two days time you will embark on a mission to slaughter your own family. You must not have any sympathy for any living being. No distractions. You must kill your parents and anyone else in that house at that time. How you get rid of the evidence is your choice. And you must not be caught by the police."

You gave a shaky nod.

"Any questions?"

You shook your head. It made sense, you had too kill your one tie to the mortal world. You were just as crazy as them now, you see?

"Good, you are dismissed."

You bowed and turned to the door. So many thoughts were running through your head. You opened the door with your trembling hand, then made your way down two stories to your bed room.

You grabbed the towel you put on your dresser the yesterday morning and a change of clothes. You then walk too the bathroom.

Still lost in thought, you mindlessly turn on the shower. Getting undressed you looked at your scars. The scars from the day before. How had they healed so fast? Why didn't the other have scars from the fight? Were you still able too die- again?

The hot water rolled down your body. Looking around you noticed your own products. You shampoo your hair, and scrubbed your body. Shaving your armpits and legs, then the rest. *if you don't shave, ignore this.*

Reaching down, you turned off the shower. For a second or two, you just stood there. The feeling of anxiety began to dissipate as you just.. stared. You watched steam roll off your body.

You opened the curtain and stepped out, first drying yourself off then, though not in a hurry, hastily put on your clothes. You turn too the mirror and wiped away the condensation.

There were bags under your eyes. Absent of thought, you began too brush your teeth. The room was filled with f/s and your mouth tasted like *preferred toothpaste.*

Was this going to be as complicated as you thought?

ℑ𝔪𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔰𝔢. (𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔶 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now