"Guess all you can do is be direct and just say you like him- kiss him or something." The other shrugged feeling rather bad he couldn't help his new friend.

"No that would be way too much- if I do that when he genuinely doesn't have any interest in me it's just gonna be a huge mess."

"You know what? I'll try help you- I'm usually the best side character that helps the main couple. You just worry about dancing." Hoseok patted the boys shoulder who chuckled sadly.

"If this was a book I think the stuff I was doing would've made a difference by now and Taehyung wouldn't freak out and cut me off if I randomly kissed him."

"We'll see." Hoseok smiled.

I really hope he's awake right now. Jeongguk thought to himself.

Taehyung sighed sitting at his desk with an exhausted face, staring at the grades that had just come in. In front of him was C, which to most was a good enough grade.

However, for someone who can't look away from a textbook for even 5 minutes and spends a majority of their times in the books — Taehyung was beyond upset.

They had to have made a mistake, how did I get a grade so low? It's barely a C too I was just 1 mark away from a D. Taehyung rubbed his temples in frustration and reopened his laptop to write a hefty email.

Meanwhile Jeongguk nervously sat down in his room thinking about how Hoseok had advised him to be more direct. He couldn't think of what else he could do to make it clear that he liked Taehyung, also without making the other uncomfortable.

I'll just try whatever comes to mind and see how he reacts. He concluded and then grabbed his phone. Even though they were best friends, his heart would race everytime he had to text the boy for simple things and a sense of fear would develop about being told no.

can I come over to ur room
I'm bored

yeah sure
what did you get on ur test btw
the one we did like a month ago

Idk I'll look later
I'm coming now

Jeongguk practically jogged down the stairs to the boys flat, a smile growing on his face automatically when he finally arrived in front of his favourite persons door. He knocked once before letting himself in which then made him frown.

"How many times have I told you to lock your door? What if a predator came in here or something?" Jeongguk tutted, eyes staring at Taehyung who was visibly tense, "What's wrong?"

Taehyung chewed down on his lip as he watched Jeongguk sit down on his bed and worriedly stare, "I got a C on the test- I was just a mark away from a D."

"Tae, that's still-"

"It's good Jeongguk! It would be good if I got that because I barely studied but you know all I do is study!" Taehyung could feel himself about to breakdown which he wasn't keen on doing in front of the latter. He sucked in his sobs and blinked away any tears, just staring at the boy who frowned.

Jeongguk could tell the other wanted to cry, he always did when he didn't get the grades he wanted but never expressed his emotions. Jeongguk had always just wanted to pull him onto his lap and hold him tight to tell him that he was okay, but he couldn't do that with his best friend.

I should be direct. But is now the time to worry about that? Jeongguk mentally fought with himself.

"Come here." Jeongguk softly asked the boy who stood up confused and walked over anyway.

What Taehyung didn't expect was for Jeongguk to pull him down by his wrist directly onto his lap. The negative thoughts vanished as nothing but surprise was running through his veins which only intensified when Jeongguk's muscular arms wrapped themselves around his slim waist.

He's never done this. Taehyung felt his heart pound which he didn't expect, instinctively wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's neck which made the other go insane.

Strangely, Taehyung liked what they were doing. He liked how he was sat on Jeongguk's lap and held so gently, it felt so natural and like he belonged there. He didn't want to get off ever and prayed that Jeongguk would do it more often.

What am I thinking? He's my friend not boyfriend, he's just being nice to me because I'm upset. Taehyung stared down at Jeongguk who gave him a small smile and rubbed circles against his face.

"It was a pretty hard test and just because studied a lot doesn't mean you were gonna get a good grade. You overworked yourself and couldn't focus on the test- I told you so many times to cut down on the studying because it's not helping you." He softly told the boy, eyes full of sincerity which made Taehyung blush.

"Yeah I know, you're right." Taehyung mumbled and shyly looked down at his hands. With some hesitation, he buried his red face against Jeongguk's neck breathing in the boys scent.

He's blushing and all shy, I'm finally making progress. Jeongguk grinned to himself and unknowingly held Taehyung tighter just from all the excitement he was feeling.

"You're such a good friend to me, thanks for comforting me like this." Taehyung sweetly murmured.

Jeongguk's smile dropped.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.


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