Chapter 9 The girl from 1962

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The honk of a car woke Anya up, she rubbed her eyes and looked towards the window. The sun was shining in between the curtains and the sky was blue, there was no trace whatsoever that it rained last night. She rolled over in bed only to find the spot next to her empty, she shot up in bed and looked around her, fear crawling all over her body. A door opened and a surprised Nathaniel stood in the opening, they looked at each other and relief washed over Anya.

"You okay?" Nathaniel walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, his hair was wet and a few water droplets hung on the tip of his hair and one by one they fell only to be replaced by new once.

"Yeah, I just got scared for a minute there. I guess I'm still a bit jumpy after last night" she laughed nervously, he nodded his head and got up.

"Well, you go freshen up and I will make us breakfast" he walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him, she sat in bed looking at his back as he left. She took the cover off and got out of bed and walked up to the window and pulled the curtains to the side, she looked out the window closing her eyes she let the sun warm her face. Down below on the street she could hear children laugh so she opened her eyes to see a class of children walking and talking to their friends, at the front and behind the kids was the teachers making sure they walked properly. Turning around she headed for the bathroom to freshen up.

Anya put her clothes on and opened the bedroom door only to be meet with the smell of breakfast, she walked out in to the hallway and walked quietly down it to the kitchen. Standing in front of the stove making breakfast was Nat, his back was against her and she stood in the opening smiling at him. He stood there humming to himself unaware of her presence, he turned around when he heard giggling and saw Anya standing in the doorway. That's when she burst out in full laughter, he smiled at her and then with a mischievous grin he stopped what he was doing.

"What's so funny? Never seen a man in a pink apron with cut little pink bowties on it?" he gestured to the apron he was wearing with a smile making Anya laugh even harder.

"My mum gave it to me so I could make my girlfriend laugh if she ever was feeling down, it seemed like this was one of those moments where it would be useful" he went back to grabbing the plate and serving breakfast. She was still giggling as she pulled out a chair and sat down, he sat the plate down in front of her and then grabbed his and sat on the opposite side to her.

"I love it, it suits you very well it kind of brings out your eyes" she smiled at him as she took a sip of the coffee.

"Well, thank you. I was worried it would be pink and girly, I'm glad it worked" he smiled back at her, they started to small talk asking questions about each other while they ate. It was a bit awkward between them after last night, the conversation was cut when Nathaniels phone went off. They both looked at it letting it ring, the screen displayed Captain Jermens name with a sighed Nathaniel picked it up and answered.

"Good morning sir, yeah we will head over as soon as we finished our breakfast, yes sir, okay see you in a bit" he hung up and stood up and grabbed his plate and cup and brought it over to the sink.

"What did Jermen want?" Anya asked as she swallowed the last piece of her breakfast and stood up just as he turned around and picked up her plate and cup and put it in the sink with his. The two walked out to the hallway and began putting their shoes on.

"He wanted to know when we were coming down to the station" he grabbed her jacket and handed it to her, she took it and began putting it on while he reached for his to do the same.

"Well, we can't ignore it. We need to find a way to inform the community here and in the other towns, this thing can be anywhere" she grabbed her bag as he opened the front door and walked out with her following behind him. They walked down the hall and one flight of stairs and out the apartment complex front door, they walked over to Anyas car and got in with Anya driving.

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