Chapter 4 Bad news

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"Yes mom, Im fine. I just had to stop I was to tired to keep everything is fine I promise" Anya answered her mother. As soon as she had gotten back to her room at the hotel she had called her parents. She was now sitting on the bed with her laptop talking to her parents over a face call, her mother was bit worried over her traveling alone. She had promised to regularly update them on where she was and so far her dad had been more calm then her mother about it. Before she left it had been her mother that supported her in to traveling and her father was against it, but as soon as she placed the first call her first night her mother was the one that wanted her to turn back and come home. Her dad had been there trying to calm her down and had eventually succeeded, after that every call her mom had asked if they needed to come get her, today was no different.

"Sweetie, if you need us to come we will book the first flight out Right honey?" her mom turned to her dad. Her dad chuckled and placed a hand around his wife, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, we will but she needs to do this remember what you said to me hmm!" he looked at her then to Anya.

"Trust me, I am fine. I will hang around this town for a few days and before I leave, I will call, and I will text you daily mom. I got to go now I will talk to you later! Love ya!" she said goodbye and hung up as soon as her parents did the same. She looked at the time and saw that it was time for dinner, she stood up from the bed and walked over to the dresser to grab a cardigan. It had become a bit chilly during her talk with her parents so to be on the safe side she put the cardigan on and went out her room. She walked down the hall just like she did this morning and went for the dining room, this time she was the first guest there. She walked towards the table as the door behind her opened and the two men from this morning walked in chatting to one and other, as she took a seat both of them looked up and greeted her and sat down across from her. Both of them had stopped their conversation to talk to her.

"Sooo... did you have fun today?" the red headed one asked as he fumbled with his fork.

"Yes, I did. I went to the park and library and then I had lunch at Macies!" she answered "Did you guys have a nice day?" she asked them back.

"Well, yes we did not as much as you but..." he trailed of looking towards his friend.

"Oh, how come? Did something happen?" she leaned forward. The two men looked at one and other debating if they should tell her or not, before they could decide the kitchen door opened and Mrs Johnson walked out carrying a tray of food.

"Well dear, there has been an accident of some sort over in the forest next to road 24" Mrs Johnson sat the tray on the table and placed out the dishes.

"They say they found body, well two hunters did and they called the cops and according to the hunters it to put it?" the red head paused but his friend continued.

"It had been mauled but they don't know by what, it didn't look like it had been done by either human or animal. The cops have been there since early morning and have issued a warning for people to go in to the forest, apparently this isn't the first body" he looked Anya dead in the eye as he spoke.

"That's creepy, I came in here by road 24" she paused thinking back to last night. "Umm, this might sound weird but last night when I was driving I thought I heard something. But you know it was late and dark so I thought I was imagining things, what if..." Mrs Johnson stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't think about it, there was nothing you could have done but what you can do is report to the police in the morning. For now lets talk about something else the others will be here any second and the kids don't need to hear anything about this." And with that the conversation was over and the dining door opened to reveal the other guest walking in to eat dinner.

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