Chapter 1 Hills town

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Snap, rustle, the sound of branches and bushes being pushed out of the way alongside the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps running could be heard in the forest. The man was running and getting hit by branches in the face and scratched up by the thorny bushes up and down his body, he didn't care how much it hurt he just needed to run, just needed to get away. If he could just, Thud, a root caught his foot and made him stumble and fall, he was breathing heavily and tears started to run down his cheeks. He raised himself up on to his knees and then stood up on shakily legs, he took a step forward and felt a sharp pain shot up his foot he looked down and realized that he had sprained his ankle he took another step forward and the pain came crashing down again. No time to spare he gritted his teeth and began to move as fast as he could forward, the sound of something coming behind him made his heart beat faster and he realized that he could not out run it he looked around and saw a big tree stump. The stump was big enough to cover his body all he needed to do now was to hide behind it and stay quiet, he lowered himself down to the ground behind the stump and with one hand he covered his mouth to not let out a scream and the other tightly clenched he sat and waited for the sound to go away.

The rustling and snaping came closer until it stopped, he let out a small whimper behind his hand, two thuds could be heard and some rustling and snaping then silence. He waited what felt like forever but it was only a few minutes, he removed his hand from his mouth and let out a sigh carefully grabbing the stump pulling himself cautiously up to take a look. As his eyes looked over the stump and back to where the noise had just been he couldn't see anything, he let his eyes wander from tree to tree looking for a shape but didn't see any, he closed his eyes for just a moment to take a deep breath and then open them again. A pair of eyes stared back at him from the other side of the stump, their eyes meet and he fell backwards whit a scream. He tried to get up but he was to scared and all he could do was grab at dirt as he tried to crawl away on his stomach, he turned around only to see it jumping at him and as he let out a loud blood curling scream lights from a car could be seen in the distance. The last thing on his mind was that he was so close to the road and if only he could have made it and gotten in to that car this would not be happening, the sharp sting and the feeling of warm liquid flowing from his neck made him scream but all that came out was a gurgle.

The car was driving alongside a lonely back road that led through a forest, it had just passed by a sign saying, Welcome to Hills town, the car was a Jeep Wrangler and in the car was a young girl in her early 20is driving. The music was blasting from the stereo to keep herself awake she had stopped at a gas station 2h ago to buy some ice coffee to keep awake until she could take in to a hotel or something similar. The gas station was a bit run down but that was no surprise as she stepped in and an older grumpy looking man was sitting at the register, he had looked up from his newspaper and greeted her with a huff and went back to reading. She didn't think much of it and went for the refrigerator with some coffee, she grabbed four cans of ice coffee and closed the refrigerator door and went up to the old man and placed her cans on the counter. Next to the counter was small shelfs with different types of candy, she quickly scanned them and picked out 2 chocolate bars and placed them next to the cans of ice coffee on the counter. The old man looked up at her and put down his paper and rang up her purchase, a beep from the registry sounded out in the silent store and 5£/$ appeared on a small screen in green letters. She took out her wallet and grabbed her credit card to pay, when she was done, she looked at the man and asked.

"Excuse me sir, but do you know of any hotels that is close?" the old man looked at her almost surprised that she spoke.

"Yes, I do" he answered her in a drawn out voice "but I wouldn't go there if I were you" she looked at him, she could see some fear in his eyes.

"Why not, it can't be that bad..." she started to say but the old man cut her off.

"This forest isn't safe it is hunted by evil anyone that go in there will end up dead, and when the police find them, they say the bodies have been mauled like nothing they ever seen. The only nearest hotel is in that town that lays in the center of that forest, I wouldn't recommend you go there since you must drive through the forest." The man sat down again in his chair and picked up his paper marking the end of their conversation. She picked up her items and headed for the exit.

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